Dried chili: chili salt, chili oil

Usually for lazy people, or too busy in daily life, or friends who really have no talent or interest in starting a partner, the most favorite is usually a simple method that can be successful, and can let you eat for a while.
in the chili

Usually for lazy people, or too busy in daily life, or friends who really have no talent or interest in starting a partner, the most favorite is usually a simple method that can be successful, and can let you eat for a while.
The dried chili series is quite suitable for such friends, and of course, it is also suitable for friends who like to study more deeply.

Sun-dried or shade-dried peppers

The flavor is a little different, and the dishes are suitable for storage.
When the sun is good, let it dry in the sun, and when it is rainy, let it dry in a ventilated place. If you have patience, it will always dry.

Chili powder

It can be done manually, or with the help of a machine, in short, it is made into powder.

If you need or like to grind dry things into powder for a long time, you can invest in a small series of grinders. You can still find them for a thousand yuan at a cheap price, which is quite enough to handle a small amount of daily grinding business.

The cup is detachable and washable, convenient and easy to use

Chili salt

Chili Powder + Coarse Sea Salt in Grinding Jar = Chili Salt

It's that simple, if you like, you can put some dried herb leaves, such as basil leaves, there will be more layers of taste and aroma.
Shake well and grind at any time. Freshly ground is the most fragrant. It is all-match with rice, noodles, soup, and fried foods.

Chili perilla salt, it is very convenient to serve directly with rice.

Chili oil

Choose a good oil that can be high temperature and cook until it is slightly floating and fragrant, and then the following two methods can be used:
→Pour the hot oil into the chili powder and stir well →Pour the chili powder into the hot oil (turn off the heat) and fry it

The latter one will have a little coke fragrance, depending on personal preference, let it cool and put it in a can.
This is fragrant>spicy, suitable for mildly spicy friends. It can be solved in about 5-10 minutes.
It is also a versatile style for rice, noodles, soup, and dumplings!

The whole process can only be on medium and small fire at most, to avoid the oil temperature being too high and the smoke point starting to deteriorate and the dryness being too strong, and if you are a novice in the kitchen, the small fire should be more generous to avoid confusion.

→PLUS version 1: spice version (listed on the Internet, next time to experiment)

When cooking oil, add star anise, peppercorns, ginger, five spice and any other spices you like. After frying on low heat, remove the spices and herbs. The procedure is the same.
Put the sesame seeds and wait for about 10 minutes before adding the oil to cool down a little.

There is another version, such as white cardamom, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, etc. are broken together and mixed with chili powder, some will add a cinnamon, soaked in hot oil together

→PLUS Version 2: Spicy Version

Divide the chili powder into two or three times, wait for the oil to cool down (about 5 minutes each time) and add it in batches.
The higher the oil temperature, the more fragrant> spicy, the lower the oil temperature, the more fragrant> fragrant

★ Spicy oil remedy:

If you are a novice who likes to mess around like me, there may be several situations: the oil temperature is not high enough, and the spicy oil is not fragrant; if you put too much oil, the oil smell is too obvious, and it is separated from the spicy taste.

→ Remedy:
Cook it on low heat until it boils, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar and other seasonings, and simply make it into seasoned oil and vinegar.

What is the right amount of oil? Because I have casual visual inspections, I have the opportunity to experiment with remedies. (Hey!
It is roughly estimated that the amount of oil should be within three or four times that of peppers. Anyway, it is delicious to experiment and see!

I have done the basic version of my home a few times, and every time it is an instant kill. It was a pleasure to be able to decide all the contents by myself!


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