[Documentary Experience] Revolution of the Times: May Democracy and Freedom Be Immortal

The trend of the world is on the side of democracy and freedom! May democracy and freedom be immortal. Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, and all people who love democracy and freedom in the world, let's do our best!
"Time Revolution" documentary poster (source: Times Revolution Taiwan page)

The documentary "Revolution of the Times" records the process of the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong in 2019, and looks at this social movement from different perspectives such as journalists, social workers, scholars, "He Lifei", and "Yongwu faction".

💛He Lifei: Advocates for democracy by peaceful, rational and non-violent means.

💛Warrior faction: Fight for democracy by radical means.

This was the first time I cried in a movie theater, and the sobbing of other audience members could be heard all the time. I was moved by the solidarity of Hong Kong people and saddened by the blood and tears that actually happened.

Political parties that stand with the CCP will never do anything that is beneficial to you and me. They only think about their own power and interests. These people can sacrifice an entire piece of land for their own interests.

You don’t care about politics, and politics will find you. There will be no difference because of your gender, age, and status. Under tyranny, everyone may be sacrificed.

In Hong Kong, 11-year-old children also inhaled tear gas; pregnant women were also beaten by gangsters who colluded with gangsters; and elderly people were pushed over by gangsters.

Not to mention how many unarmed ordinary people have been shot by black police, even committed suicide, and faced sexual violence.

What happened in Hong Kong does not mean that it has nothing to do with us Taiwanese, and we have also been threatened by the CCP for a long time.

Even if there are many differences and confrontations within our Taiwan faction, we must stand on the side of democracy and freedom together.

I have always felt that I have to defend democracy and freedom before I have the opportunity to discuss other things.

The pro-democracy faction in Hong Kong was not completely united from the very beginning. The valiant faction advocated to attack the Legislative Yuan and stick to the scene, not afraid of arrest by the black police, but the Helifei (peaceful, rational, non-violent) people went in and forcibly took the dead away.

The Valiant faction originally thought that staying or leaving was a personal choice, so why take them away? Being imprisoned for 10 years or even losing their lives is their choice.

Unexpectedly, the reporter asked He Lifei people: "Aren't you afraid that you will come back (take away the people from the Yongwu faction), will you be arrested together?"

"Of course we are afraid, but we are even more afraid that we won't see the four of them tomorrow (those who insist on staying behind)."

From now on, the two sides will no longer be separated from each other. Even if the means they advocate are different, everyone's goal is the same. They are all fighting for Hong Kong's democracy and freedom. At this moment, everyone is on the same front.

All Taiwanese who love democracy and freedom, go and read "Revolution of the Times"!

The two-and-a-half-hour film is actually not very long. Compared to people who have been fighting for freedom for a long time, and even those who have unfortunately sacrificed their lives, what does it mean for us to sit in the theater for two and a half hours?

Even Taiwan is the only country in the world that has released "Revolution of the Times" on a large scale. Even in major democratic countries such as the United States and Canada, it is only shown on a small scale in some theaters, and other countries only show it in some film festivals.

There have been many blood and tears in Taiwan's history for democracy and freedom, and the threat of the CCP's Jiquan rule is still very close to us.

Please cherish the opportunity to watch this film, please cherish the democracy and freedom we have.

Who doesn't want to stay home and eat and sleep well? Who likes to fight? The protesters want to return to normal life more than everyone else. Going to school and going to work that everyone doesn't like has become their most urgent desire at this moment.

Everyone wants to have an ordinary life, but totalitarian politics can force your life to be anything but ordinary.

"Compared to the destruction of democracy and the rule of law, the destruction of objects (by the protesters) is nothing at all."

Looking at Ukraine recently, Russia has been sanctioned by so many countries, which proves that the trend of the world is on the side of democracy and freedom.

May democracy and freedom be immortal.

Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, and all people who love democracy and freedom in the world, let's do our best!

Times Revolution Taiwan Page

My IG@haru.and.g1.day


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HARU LENA嗨,我是LENA,也可以叫我鴨鴨,一個喜歡二代韓團的迷妹,在這裡用文字記錄我喜歡的人事物。合作、邀稿歡迎私訊我的IG追星帳號@haru.and.g1.day
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