The Nutty Brothers | Summer of Heavy Metal: Finding 1000 Mass Judges

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  1. Because not many people pay attention to heavy metal pollution that is more serious than smog, they have a "Summer of Heavy Metal Bands";
  2. From water purifiers, environmental protection funds to major martial arts sects, the process of finding sponsorship and being rejected can all be made into a comedy;
  3. Xiaohaotu Water Pollution Incident: Starting from the sponsorship of 50,000 yuan, the local government eventually pushed the local government to spend more than 100 million yuan to solve some problems and further social chain reactions; more than 2,000 times the social return, the sponsorship of this 50,000 yuan may is one of the most successful sponsorships;
  4. "Heavy Metal Lexia": plans to investigate 11 villages, equivalent to 11 Xiaohaotu;
  5. Looking for 1,000 popular judges & looking for 1,000 people with seeds: mail each person a seed from the researched village, pay 399 yuan per person, and jointly support the heavy metal Lexia.


Because not many people pay attention to heavy metal pollution that is more serious than smog, they have a "Summer of Heavy Metal Bands"

China's vigorous industrialization process has caused soil pollution, a "nightmare" that endangers rural life and health. According to a 2010 study by the China Rice Research Institute and the Rice and Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, one-fifth of my country's arable land is polluted by heavy metals. The Ministry of Land and Resources has publicly stated that 12 million tons of grains in China are polluted by heavy metals every year. According to the data of China Environmental Monitoring Station, the most serious heavy metal pollution in my country is cadmium pollution, mercury pollution, lead pollution and arsenic pollution.

--Southern Metropolis Daily

In 2018, a study by the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences showed that the excess rate of heavy metal sites in the soil of cultivated land in my country reached 21.49%, an increase of 2 percentage points compared with the 2014 Bulletin. Over the past 20 years, the proportion of pollution of most heavy metal elements has shown an upward trend.

——Interface News

Heavy metal pollution is nothing short of a nightmare. Over the years, incidents of children's blood lead, poisoned rice, and incidents in cancer villages across the country have frequently occurred, bringing misery to the countryside. At the same time, heavy metal pollution mostly occurs in villages where there is no right to speak, and it is highly concealed. Under today's national policy of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", environmental pollution is still a very sensitive topic in many areas. Information is covered up, the facts of pollution cannot be made public, and the public's right to know is not fully guaranteed.

In the spring and summer of 2021, they plan to visit 11 villages polluted by heavy metals in 11 provinces in China. According to the research report, I invited heavy metal bands to go on tour in 11 villages, let heavy metal pay attention to heavy metal, let more people see the hidden cruelty, and connect more people to participate - this art project is called "Heavy Metal Country Tour" 2021” (also known as “Heavy Metal Lexia”), they look forward to promoting relevant departments and enterprises to remediate and repair 11 heavy metal-contaminated villages through direct actions, and they expect the whole society to pay attention to heavy metal pollution problems that are more serious than smog.

The original plan was to complete the investigation in March and April 2021, and to perform a heavy metal tour in May and June. However, because it is too difficult to find sponsorship for the entire project, the progress is difficult and slow, and the research in 3 villages has only been completed. Getting a group of actors outside of business to find sponsorship is more difficult than doing a project.


From water purifiers, environmental protection funds to major martial arts sects, their process of looking for sponsorship and being rejected can all be made into a comedy.

➦ Find the water purifier brand:

They are interested in the project, then decline

The entire water purifier industry is also a direct beneficiary of the heavy metal Lexia project. It stands to reason that they have the motivation to sponsor, which will also enhance their brand reputation.

Communicate with water purifier brand A with high expectations

continue to be hopeful

I communicated with the water purifier brand B, and there was no more text after chatting.

continue to be hopeful

I communicated with the water purifier brand B, and there was no more text after chatting.

➦ Find the Environmental Protection Fund:

They have found a lot of funds, but almost none of them dare to participate

➦ Looking for Braised Prawns:

Interested, but first help them invent a new product

So I worked all night and came up with N plans, one of which is to inject whisky into the braised prawns, let the shrimp drink and relax. This dish can be named "relaxed shrimp". "At the eating site, a very ceremonial injection was held. The wine containers were gorgeous and the tableware had a strong sense of the future. The employees wore the "Dizzy 2046" uniforms and injected each braised prawn on the spot... The name is "Golden Thread Oil Braised Big Shrimp" Shrimp" or "Relax Shrimp"..."

It was too difficult for an artist to invent a new braised prawn product, and in the end this product still failed...

➦ Find the major martial arts schools:

Shaolin said "capacity is limited", Qingcheng said "willing to do my best"

After hitting a wall many times, they continued to figure out how to find sponsors. One day they talked about the people in the martial arts, "the great hero serves the country and the people", maybe the people in the world who are more loyal to martial arts are more interested in their projects. So, they contacted the major martial arts sects.

Communicate with Shaolin

Shaolin Temple said that its ability is limited and will not be involved

Communicate with Wudang

Wudang Guild Hall - No enrollment for two years due to the epidemic (1)

Communicate with Emei

Emeishan Charity Foundation - welcome to call to thank the support for the public welfare but can't get through

Communication with Qingcheng - the only good news!

Qingcheng Mountain - I hope I can do my best

Qingcheng expressed "willingness to do my best", but it takes time to make collective decisions...


their previous projects

Xiaohaotu Water Pollution Incident: Started from 50,000 RMB of sponsorship, and finally pushed the local government to spend more than 100 million RMB to solve some of the problems, as well as a deeper social chain reaction

More than 2,000 times the social return, making this 50,000 yuan sponsorship may be one of the most successful sponsorships

event background

Xiaohaotu Township in Mongolian means "a small place with water plants". It is located at the junction of Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia (belonging to the Ordos Basin). The township is more than 500 square kilometers inhabited by 15,000 people. Xiaohaotu is located in the Mu Us Sandy Land. Compared with the soil layer, the sand layer basically has no anti-fouling properties, and pollutants are more likely to directly enter the groundwater. There are 3 coal mines that pollute Xiaohaotu across the province (coal mining started in 2010). Sinopec North China Company continued to pollute Xiaohaotu during the natural gas extraction process (drilling began in 2005). The response also acknowledged that groundwater iron and manganese exceeded the standard. Over the years, villagers have petitioned, responded to the township and city, and made phone calls to the Environmental Protection Bureau, all to no avail.

Sponsor of the initial 50,000 yuan

Every time I tell my friends that the sponsor is not for environmental protection or art, but for Songge Braised Prawns in Oil, everyone thinks it is very funny. By the way, he also sponsored the "smog brick" in Beijing in 2015.

Xiaohaotu water pollution incident

a series of stories


For drinking water pollution: they launched "Nongfu Spring Supermarket"

Then went on Weibo hot search


On the 14th day of the "Nongfu Spring Supermarket" exhibition, it was seized by relevant departments.

So they launched a mobile exhibition

On the third day of the exhibition, the vehicle was seized by the relevant departments for "no entry permit"


In response to volunteers being arrested: Initiating the selection of environmental heroes

Volunteer Wu Yanrong was arrested across provinces on July 14 and released on bail on July 21. On August 16, the folks held the first Xiaohaotu environmental protection hero selection, with a bonus of 6,666 yuan. Volunteer Wu Yanrong was elected


For coal mines dumping garbage across provinces:

Launched "Crowdfunding Air Tickets for the Chairman of Coal Mine, Flying Thousands of Miles to Shanghai to Learn Garbage Sorting"

Afterwards, Tuke Town, where the coal mine is located, took away all the garbage, compensated 210,000 yuan to Zhanggaotu No. 7 where the garbage was stolen, and promised to build a 6.3-kilometer cement road for Xiaohaotuzhanggaotu Village


For saline-alkali land: Initiation to "add a little salt to the sea"

The plan is to collect and boil the salt in the caustic soda and sprinkle it into the sea.

In the follow-up, the coal mine plans to spend three years to remediate the saline-alkali land and compensate the damaged villagers about one million yuan.


For Tracking: Initiate Hide and Seek Program

They were followed 24 hours a day by the coal mines. Later, the "Hide and Seek Program" was launched to hide according to the location provided by netizens. After public initiation, stop tracking

media coverage

In response to the Xiaohaotu water pollution incident, dozens of media at home and abroad, including the Beijing News, Duowei, Sohu Jiday, NGOCN, Southern Weekly, Southern People Weekly, Sanlian Life Weekly, The Paper, The New York Times, Reuters, AFP, etc. Enter.

local government pollution control

A. During the investigation period, Sinopec stopped drilling; B. The three coal mines involved stopped production for rectification (comprehensively strengthen the anti-seepage treatment of the reservoir); C. It took more than 100 million yuan to drill deep water wells, lay water pipes, and control them.


"Heavy Metal Lexia"

It is planned to investigate 11 villages, equivalent to 11 Xiaohaotu

Probably one of the projects with the highest social returns in recent years

"Listen to heavy metal music and drink heavy metal water"

——Promote heavy metal pollution with heavy metal music

Is there still a spirit of heavy metal in this era? Does music in this era really care about folk suffering? Who is angry at injustice in this day and age? Who is fighting for the weak? Who still believes in the true power of music?

In 2021, they plan to prepare a real music festival, inviting heavy metal bands to sing in 11 heavy metal-contaminated villages, facing the truth of the earth and the people above the earth. In the current situation, they are highly likely to encounter all kinds of absurd acts, force majeure or more unknown. But we believe that all this is not in vain...

Someone said:

This is real metal music

This TM is the real Lexia

China has no shortage of famous and skilled bands. What it lacks is bands that are closely related to real life and social issues. What it lacks is an understanding of this land, sensitivity to suffering, vigilance against the system, and uncompromising power. .

To this end, they invented a new word: Field Heavy Metal - heavy metal music based on field research and intervention in social reality, called "Field Heavy Metal".

In 2018, Yi Chen performed at Xiaohaotu, photographed by Da Peng

Current progress: 3 rural + ZiBo hot pot fish projects have been investigated

The heavy metal pollution in the three villages investigated is shocking. The ZiBo Hotpot Fish Project is a heavy metal project that focuses on heavy metal pollution in cities. The Beijing News video was silenced by Harmony and mainstream media, but the related video has been read over 10 million on Weibo, and the local government promised to build a factory to treat sewage , the Shandong Provincial Environmental Supervision Team is currently investigating locally...


summer of heavy metal

Looking for 1000 popular judges

Looking for 1000 Kinds of People

Mail a "spring" seed to everyone

Each person paid 399 yuan to jointly support the heavy metal Lexia

Invite you to be the public judge of heavy metal Lexia

—— Score and supervise polluting enterprises and local governments

"Summer of the Band" popular judges, scoring all participating bands.

They are different – after the 11 heavy metal-contaminated villages they surveyed were exposed by the media, they invited 1,000 public judges from Heavy Metal Lexia to score the 11 polluting companies and local governments in heavy metal-contaminated villages. 1,000 public judges and 1,000 non-governmental supervisors work together to solve problems.

They will build a "Heavy Metal Lexia Public Jury Group" to facilitate scoring and supervision and update the progress of the project.

You will also get 001: Artwork

——I will mail you a seed of the researched village, called "There is Seed"

You are welcome to pay 399 yuan to buy a unique piece of art "There is Seed" to support the heavy metal music summer!

The seeds of "You Seed" came from the 11 villages polluted by heavy metals that they surveyed, which is a special testimony of this polluted land. They will mail you several seeds (what kind of seeds are currently unknown), the whole research, tour and your participation, seeds! Both are part of The Kind.

All the sales of "You Seed" will be used for research, tour and emergency response in 11 heavy metal-contaminated villages across the country. In the process of research and tour, according to their past experience, this is not an easy, can be said to be difficult and dangerous process (will accidentally offend relevant stakeholders), not only need to travel through mountains and rivers, but also need to be careful and respond to emergencies at any time, It's like walking on the tip of a knife.

You'll also get 002: Social Return

——Your support will promote the remediation of 11 polluted villages

Their work takes place at the intersection of art, media and the public interest. They launched Heavy Metal Lexia, trying to connect enthusiastic people and resources in various fields, let more people participate, let the public pay attention, and let the media come in to supervise. The most direct purpose is to promote the problem of heavy metal pollution in the 11 villages they investigated. solve, and call on more people to pay attention to nationwide heavy metal pollution.

As witnesses and participants of heavy metal Lexia, you and I will walk side by side

Your participation is a support for the action and a public solidarity!

The participation of 1,000 people is also a joint statement of 1,000 people. If the background of some polluting enterprises is particularly powerful, then their background is even more powerful, because there are many people.

If you would like to participate, please contact them

Posting "There's a Seed": Around June

Weibo private message contact: @ Nut Brother NutBrother

WeChat: nutbrother2 (nut brother)

Heavy Metal Country Tour 2021

Pollution investigation: Xigua, Pingxi, Xiaohuang, Fan Bo, Tian Xi, Nuts

Fundraising Contact: Tian Xi

Lyrics: Donkey Tsui, Shijie, Dongqi...

Design Support: Lan Xiaojie

Public Welfare Support: China Green Development Association

Initiating Organization: Qingpu Public Welfare, Stealth Art

Curator: Zheng Hongbin

Initiator: Nut Brothers

And, always on the road

I have seen icy rivers, vast rivers and countless crows wandering

The old people have white hair like snow, and the meteorites shine brightly in the dark night

The rolling days and nights slowly flow by, these things

Too late to go deep, has gradually disappeared with you and me

Finally, they are also looking for clues about heavy metal pollution

1. It takes place in the countryside

2. Heavy metal pollution

3. Never been reported

If your hometown has clues of heavy metal pollution, or you have relevant clues,

If you meet these 3 conditions, please contact them via WeChat: nutbrother2

Support front-line environmental pollution research


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