How to get into meditation quickly?

1. No matter whether you are a beginner or a good teacher who has been meditating for a long time, there are the following attitudes that will affect the quality of meditation: 2. Meditation can be an art, a kind of meditation, a Tao, and a love for oneself and oneself. The sacred time and space for the soul to be alone and to fall in love with God, if the mentality is casual, and the natural output is casual, you can regard it as art and Taoism, but don’t use it with seriousness and frame, please face it with joy and love for yourself. right.
Meditation Cushion-Meditation Cushion-Zen Cushion-Heart in Place Meditation Cushion-Futon

1. No matter whether you are a beginner or a good teacher who has been meditating for a long time, the following attitudes will affect the quality of meditation:

Cushion is optional: find a cushion or pillow to sit and have a look first, but as long as the cushion or pillow is not so high that the joints are higher than the knees, the feet will be numb. (The previous article "Why does sitting cross-legged make feet numb?" has been discussed)

Casual space: Just find a place where the air is not ventilated, it is noisy, things are scattered around, it is damp, etc. These external magnetic fields are often easy to affect the meditation.

The body is casual: No matter the body is tired, you must sit in a sitting position (unless you practice ascetic practice), and you are guaranteed to fall asleep.

Act casually: just go to a place with many people and bring in some cluttered magnetic fields, which will also affect the quality of meditation.

Stomach is casual: just after eating, the body is still absorbing.

Emotions are casual: Regardless of whether your emotions are low or high, such as after partying, quarreling, or meeting, unless you have a good concentration, your emotions often need time to calm down, and when you bring in emotions, it will affect the quality of meditation.

2. Meditation Meditation can be an art, a kind of meditation, a Tao, and a sacred time and space to love yourself and your own soul alone, and fall in love with God. If you have a casual attitude and natural output, you can regard it as art and Tao. , but don't use it with seriousness and frame, please face it with joy and love for yourself.

Be sure to find a cushion or chair that is comfortable and adjustable, because sometimes you will change positions, plus everyone has different thighs, fat and thin, it is impossible to fit everyone in one size, plus the cushion or chair is too high, too Too low, too soft, too hard will affect your sitting posture, which affects your awareness of your connection to the earth and your body. Some people feel that they have overcome these, and sometimes just cutting off body perception is like dead wood. Once the body perception is cut off, the reaction force often appears as you get older, such as foot pain, rheumatism, bone spurs, and difficulty in sitting up. If you don’t take care of your body, your body will naturally respond.

There should be a fixed space and time that belongs to oneself. This fixed space should not be disturbed as much as possible. If it is difficult to find, then the space will be exchanged for time. I have a friend whose home is too small to move out of the space for meditation, so he Get up early or wait for your family to fall asleep before taking out his own meditation cushion to meditate.

It is best if there is a fixed space, because you can maintain the energy field of this space, you are here, and this energy field will spread to the whole family, the whole community, the region, the country... Of course, it depends on how much you have practiced. wide.

It is very important to prepare before sitting in meditation. Here are a few suggestions for reference:

(1). Exercise or dance

(2). Yoga or stretching

(Please refer to "Two-pan is so difficult? How to sit in two-pan meditation? Teacher help me!")

(3). Take a bath

(4). It is best to be fasting

Meditation equipment: water, blankets (to keep warm), ventilation, loose clothes, earplugs if you can easily hear the sound of cars off the street at home; if some small meditation objects can make you more focused (such as incense, essential oils, music, crystals, etc.), you can also arrange them.

And all of these are external, and more deeply, whether you are with yourself, in this body, in this perception, in this space, are all unified and one... "being".

This is the advice and sharing of many years of meditation experience.

Meditation Cushion-Meditation Cushion-Zen Cushion-Heart in Place Meditation Cushion-Futon

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