Three Steps to Immigrate to North Korea


Three Steps to Immigrate to North Korea

I like Kim so much, I want to go to North Korea. Before leaving, I have to do the following things.

Selling a house, according to some statistics, a country's housing prices are extremely high, and the prices in some first-tier cities are not even lower than New York, Tokyo, and London. It is also interesting that the age of first-time homebuyers in this country is less than 30 years old. In short, if you sell your house, you will have money to immigrate.

Capital walking , which involves foreign exchange and large cross-border transfers. Speaking of which, let's insert an old news.

Xu Yuan: There is a kind of patriotism called "luxury car bombing the street" in Toronto

I just asked, how can the annual quota of 50,000 US dollars be transported through the underground bank and the way of splitting the purchase of foreign exchange? Later, I understood that they were the princes of the gods, the princesses of the gods.

From the fairy things, let's go back to the ordinary people.

Capital Route 1: This is probably the operation. In country A, Zhang San transfers the money to Li Si; then in country B/region B, Wang Wu transfers the corresponding foreign exchange to Zhang San. Simply put, there are two capital pools, and this operation does not involve cross-border capital. Some people say that underground banks are illegal, but they are legal in the country of Maple Leaf and a port next to Asia's leading casino. I thought about it and realized that if there is no foreign exchange control, this "underground bank" is legal. If large-value cross-border transfers cannot be implemented, private methods, the so-called underground banks, must be used. When you arrive at a certain port, there are "change shops" everywhere, just shop around and you'll be fine.

Capital Roaming Option 2: Then let’s talk about another seemingly legal, but actually illegal capitalist. It is to split the purchase of foreign exchange. You first need an offshore account, you can fly to that place yourself and apply for the card. Secondly, when you give money to relatives and friends for ants to move, you have to give it in cash in installments. Don't transfer money to them, as this is a very obvious chain of evidence.

If you don't want to go, you can also witness account opening. As far as I know, now (referring to November 2019), it is possible to open an overseas account for you through a qualified senior account in China, and then witness the account opening. A qualified senior account in China requires about 500,000 gross coins.

Remittance F Bank---Premier Banking---Open Overseas Account

Slag D Bank---Priority Banking---International Banking Services

Remittance F Bank, it is amazing, the global network covers more than 30 countries and regions.

Slag D Bank can open an account in a certain port for you, or open an account in Singapore for you.

I have a friend who is the account manager of Slag D Bank and told me the rules: The overseas account of Slag D Bank accepts transfers under different names (you call yourself the same name transfer), and there are about four transfers every three months. , each about 30,000 to 40,000 US dollars. The more cards you have and the longer the time, the better the operation.

I'm just throwing a few clues, you can also ask other foreign banks with global vision in your local area. But don't choose the branch bank of your hometown bank overseas, choose foreign capital!

If you want to say that you don't have half a million dollars, what should you do with this card? All I can say is, if you don't have 500,000, then you don't need to apply for this card. It is 70,000 US dollars. I heard that a certain country restricts the annual purchase limit of foreign exchange per person to 50,000 US dollars, right?

Both schemes are illegal. But the law is made by the ruler, and it is to safeguard the interests of the ruler. In an authoritarian society, the law is the law and does not need to be reasonable. In a democratic society, unreasonable laws may be readjusted through legislation. If you don't want to break the law, then you can't go.

After the house is sold and the capital is gone, it is time to leave . It is not recommended to search for immigration agents in your native language. The first is the price pit, and the second is the lack of information. You need to search in English to find an intermediary. So where to go?

I originally wanted to go to North Korea.

Later, I felt that it was too difficult to immigrate to North Korea. North Korea is not a country of immigration, and there is no clear law. There is no investment immigration, no entrepreneurial immigration, and no high-level technical talent immigration. After much deliberation, I can only find a North Korean to marry. But not knowing Korean or South Korean is really difficult.

If you also feel that it is difficult to immigrate to North Korea, and you are very rich and have tens of millions of "people's hair", then basically the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Cyprus, just choose any of these places. .

If you have three or five million, you can consider some projects in Europe, such as Spain, Portugal, Greece, Malta. The climate is moderate. Language has to be relearned. The level of medical education is not bad, and the political situation is stable.

If you have no money and only a few hundred thousand, it doesn’t matter. If you are in Asia, you can probably go to Malaysia. Schools are cheap (for your child) and living costs are low (for your whole family).

The Philippines, from the price point of view, is also feasible, but in general, the Philippines is suitable for short-term vacation or retirement, and other needs may not be met. You need to discuss immigration with the whole family and consider the needs of the whole family.

If you only have a few hundred thousand, I do not recommend you to choose the passport program of Oceania or the Caribbean. Most of these island countries are tourist resorts. People who choose this kind of island country project are basically for the convenience of travel, that is to say, there are many passport-free visas on arrival, or they open an offshore bank account for tax avoidance.

For the Americas, you can choose Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina. There is basically no severe cold in these places, but there is a big problem that they generally speak Spanish, and they are far from your hometown. In the case of the Americas, there are two superpowers, the United States and Canada. This is extremely difficult. Do you want a tourist visa, and then illegally stay or take the road of political asylum? Of course, you can. If you are with parents and children, this is not a good idea.

So many countries, how to choose? You need to consider these questions according to your needs:

1 Is the political situation stable, no one wants to go to Iraq or Venezuela, right?

2 Democracy Index: If you live in an authoritarian society, you will be very hungry for democracy. In democratic places, corruption is less problematic.

3Climate conditions: whether it is suitable for the life of the elderly in your home.

4 Per capita income, business environment: This is to judge whether it is easy for you to make money, which is very strange, it is also hard work, and it is definitely good to make more money. If you live at 9 o'clock work and 9 o'clock get off work, 7 days a week, it is still very hard.

5 Education level: It determines whether your child has the opportunity to study in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in the future. It determines the basic civic qualities of ordinary people. A certain country is more interesting. In elementary school, students are taught to be the successors of XXism, and then in college, students are taught to rush in and out, not to run red lights, not to spit, and not to litter. After more than ten years of schooling, the content of these kindergartens has never been learned.

6 Is the air safe: if the air is bad, no one can escape, right?

7 Food safety: Black-hearted businessmen, use bad raw materials to make food for you, and then bribe the superior officials, and his goods can be sold everywhere.

8 Human Development Index: Is it easy to live.

9 Medical level: In poor and backward places, the medical level is definitely not good, right?

10. Flight distance from your hometown: Actually, this is not a problem. If your family is here and your money is coming, you don't need to consider this.

11 Whether there is a bill: This is the most important thing. For example, Thailand sells passports and Mexico sells passports, which are not supported by local laws. Do not choose such projects. To choose a bill!

you can follow these

Civilian immigration guide: travel notes on youtube

Capitalist: coco brother on youtube

Prices around the world:

Experts in International Small Value Transfers: transferwise

Small-value overseas bank cards that can be issued in the hometown: neat card (deposit amount is less than or equal to 100,000 HKD)



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