It's already 2021, stop touting the "Spirit of Lion Rock", okay?

There is absolutely no problem in using the "Lion Rock Spirit" to summarize that era, but in 2021, if you still respect this spirit, you will actually ignore the problems that this society is facing.

A post by a certain mu has already cast a strong political color on the hong kong olympics It turned out to be such a difficult thing for people. This article does not discuss Mu, but there is the following sentence in his response post :

It is a very rare opportunity for Hong Kong, China to stand on the Olympic stage. It is a very rare opportunity for Hong Kong to show our indomitable Lion Rock spirit to the world . Therefore, I am apologetic for my comments on Facebook.

"Spirit of Lion Rock" is a symbol that senior officials like to hang around their mouths. What is the actual definition? Wikipedia says:

Spirit of Hong Kong (English: Spirit of Hong Kong), also known as the Spirit of Lion Rock, Spirit of Lion Rock (English: Spirit of Lion Rock), generally refers to the hard work, diligence, self-improvement, hard work, solidarity and indomitable fighting spirit of Hong Kong people. The TV series "Under the Lion Rock" and its theme song originated in Hong Kong in the 1970s, and it also made Hong Kong a legend in the transformation from a small fishing port to an international metropolis.
"Under the Lion Rock" launched by RTHK in the 1970s is a story of grassroots struggle.

As this article says, these spirits are uplifting because of specific social circumstances. From the population figures of Hong Kong , we can have the following analysis:

Hong Kong's population: 1.58 million in 1945; 5.13 million in 1980; 7.19 million in 2015. (1945 was the end of World War II, China immediately began a civil war, and a large number of refugees continued to pour in for the next three decades; 1980 was the year when the Hong Kong government canceled the arrival policy and replaced it with an arrest- and-release policy, with 2015 as the lower limit , because I wanted 1980 to be the middle of the year.)

The point of the above data is that in the 35 years from 1945 to 1980, Hong Kong's population grew by 224% , while in the 35 years from 1980 to 2015, Hong Kong's population grew by only 40%.

Most of the people who poured into Hong Kong in the first 35 years defined themselves as refugees, and the social structure was extremely flat (a society of equal poverty). Moreover, after the war, the entire social class needed to rebuild. Hong Kong is like a huge construction site, with insufficient funds, but a lot of labor force, so most of those who are willing to work will be fruitful. When the social population increases in multiples, the jobs and occupational vacancies needed by the society will also increase in multiples, and the pyramid structure of the society will gradually take shape.

The society has the ability to climb to the middle or even high level of the pyramid, and even replace the local gentry in Hong Kong. Those who are relatively lacking in ability or have a slightly poorer fortune can still grasp the characteristics of Hong Kong as an important light industry town and make a living in the society.

In the 1970s, a city with an area of about 1,000 square kilometers was the world's largest exporter of clothes, toys and watches, and the production of plastic flowers accounted for 80% of the world's total. Of course, the description of the textbook is of course the result of the hard work of the "Lion Rock Spirit", but if a city actually dominates the world in different industries, then what we should think about is whether the city is a "top bad city" or "does a bad market" .

Hong Kong has become a giant machine where millions of people are willing to become a cheap cog in society for their own survival (similar to Charlie Chapling's "Modern Times" , except that the environment of the Hong Kong factory is better than the movie worse than shown in) , in order to avoid greater persecution in other regions.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the political situation in the whole East Asia was volatile. In the dramas of "Under the Lion Rock", all of them were from the bottom of the society. Everyone gathered in Hong Kong in order to survive. The first paragraph of Luo Wen's well-known "Under the Lion Rock" is worth chewing carefully:

There is joy in life / It is inevitable that there are tears / I meet everyone under the Lion Mountain / Finally, there is more laughter than sigh

In that era, if it wasn't for "meeting under the Lion Rock", what would be the situation? The Vietnam War is entangled, the Cambodian Red Cambodia is raging, and the north of the Shenzhen River is surging. Refugees from all over the world can come to Hong Kong and survive. For these people, it is already a great happiness.

In 2021, the "Spirit of Lion Rock" should stay away from us. There is absolutely no problem in using the "Lion Rock Spirit" to summarize that era, but in 2021, if you still respect this spirit, you will actually ignore the problems that this society is facing.

There is absolutely no problem in using the "Lion Rock Spirit" to summarize that era, but in 2021, if you still respect this spirit, you will actually ignore the problems that this society is facing.

After decades of construction, the pyramid of Hong Kong society has taken shape, and it has even become so strong that there is even a situation where "scholars are separated by the sky". And this steep pyramid, for most people, the obvious path to climb up is only a road that lasts at least 16 years (6 years of primary school, 6 years of middle school, 4 years of university, not counting the more and more common master). In the hottest language in recent years, Hong Kong is already an introverted society.

There will always be opportunities for upward movement in society, the problem is that the possibilities are getting lower and lower. The media has long reported the success stories of individual grassroots struggles, but most of the rest of the grassroots struggles and the lower reaches of the actual situation have not been seriously discussed.

The issues presented by Hong Kong's Gini coefficient need not be reiterated. In a solid pyramid structure, everyone with the same effort, the results have been absolutely different:

The upper class, for example, has a net worth of 100 million and strives to earn 10%, and the net worth has risen to 110 million; the middle class, for example, has a net worth of 10 million, and strives to earn 50%, and the net worth has risen to 15 million; the lower class, for example, has a net worth of 1 million , work hard to earn 100%, and the net worth is only 2 million.

In such a pyramid structure, "the poor get poorer and the rich get richer", and the upper and middle class will use all means to ensure that they do not become inferior. Money is a resource, and the upper and middle class have a lot of resources to build a wide moat to protect them. status, this is true human nature.

I saw Liang Kaizhi's "Which Estate Do You Live In: After Walking Through 254 Public Housing Estates in Hong Kong", it is well said that where to live will limit values and vision.

What about the lower class? Have you noticed that the "Spirit of Lion Rock" is always in your mouth today, has it never been grassroots?

Those at the top still respect the "Lion Rock Spirit", which is actually to encourage "doing a bad market", "mechanization of human nature", "ignoring excessive working hours, working hard, and striving for the best", this is actually the Hong Kong version of the "996" work model. It's a lie that deceives most of the lower classes.

The people of the lower classes are already very familiar with these routines, and have developed "hea doing", "pretending to be a worker", "Buddhist style" and even "lying flat" to deal with these "positive thinking".

Half a century after France enacted legislation in 1969 to allow its citizens to enjoy four weeks of paid leave , Hong Kong took ten years to align "labor holidays" with "statutory holidays" , and after that, it was only 17 days. When the developed society began to study the four-day work week , Hong Kong's wage earners were still troubled by infinite overtime work. Even a retired senior official of a certain Zhang actually said, "I get excited every time I go to work." A city with such a developed economy still uses such outdated thinking and such servile thinking, when can it be changed?

"Rest is not for work, work is for rest", but many Hong Kong people would actually say "I'm bored on vacation and want to go back to work". After all, how poor the spiritual life of people in this city is!

When the society develops to a certain level, it is necessary to improve the cultural and artistic literacy of citizens, to cultivate and cultivate, and to provide multiple ways to pursue the value of life in the already solidified pyramid structure. Or slow down the iteration speed of society and slow down the speed at which citizens are eliminated. Otherwise, society will firstly "continue to be a bad market", secondly, those who can't stand it will choose to "lie down", and thirdly, the capable people will fly to Europe and America, and go abroad to regain the meaning of being a human being.

It's already 2021, stop touting the "Spirit of Lion Rock", okay?


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人間世無所事事諸多思緒的半廢耶青。 太多人寫風花雪月,太少人寫一些有營養又貼地的文史哲。那麼我嘗試寫下吧。
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