Taiwan's use of "Sorry"

In daily life, these four words are often heard by us, but there is no better way to replace them, so that we can understand the true meaning of the words

"110 Test Composition - Sorry"


"Sorry, I'll serve you now"

"Excuse me, do you have a membership card?"

"Excuse me, please lend me your certificate"


The phrase "I'm sorry" is a common opening sentence in Taiwan, but everyone seems to be abusing it, making its meaning a bit confusing. Have you ever wondered why it is necessary to apologize in the first sentence?


In a meal service class, because there was a table service unit, the teacher talked about why the waiters were always embarrassed. In our cognition, when we want to apologize, we should say sorry, but in many restaurants, when the waiter serves customers, they always mention this mantra first, and then carry out the follow-up service, which makes people uncomfortable. The answer is that the waiter did not owe us anything, but he had to apologize first. Perhaps it was caused by the special customs and habits of Taiwan. Therefore, the meal service teacher hopes that we can change our statement when we are engaged in the service industry in the future.


"Hello, I'll serve you now", if you change the embarrassment to hello, the level of politeness is still the same, and the waiter does not have a class distinction between the top and the bottom. When I heard these theories, I suddenly realized that what I thought was a matter of course, it was just a result of everyone's long-standing habit. Although I often heard it, we did not think clearly about its deep meaning, so that this sentence The original purpose of the words began to be confused.


Languages in various countries have different customs. For example, Korean has honorifics and plain language, which makes foreigners feel very novel. And "sorry" is a special term in Taiwan. It can be used in many places, but it is also used incorrectly. I think sometimes we have to pay special attention to small details, so the art of speaking is more important.



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