Psychedelic train, never looking back

I mustered up the courage and decided to watch the second episode, so I reviewed the first episode first, changed my mind after reviewing the first episode, or not to watch the second episode (life really shouldn't look back).

Play is like life,

 Choose a life, choose a job, choose a career, choose a family, choose a fucking big TV, choose a washing machine, a car, a CD, an electric can opener... What do you doubt yourself? Watching mentally paralyzed TV, stuffing your mouth with junk food, and finally rotting to the end, giving birth to a bunch of selfish bastard children in a miserable home, it's just embarrassing, choose the future, choose life...
But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else.

It's perfectly normal, I mean, when I was 22 when I saw the famously rebellious British film Trainspotting, and I thought the protagonist made the fucking right choice in the opening credits.

Renton has heroin and foxes, and we have a lot of love and sex, inextricable addiction to tobacco, alcohol and coffee, hopelessly leftist thinking, pompous days divided into outside and inside virtual worlds, and big bonuses so no need Stealing, kidnapping, swearing and gossip every day with a group of friends who thought they would die in this life. Different nothingness, the same destination in different ways, walking dead, just living by, why not?

It seems, however, I really am the luckiest guy in the world. Several years of addiction right in the middle of an epidemic, surrounded by the living dead. But not me. I'm negative. It's official. And once the pain goes away, that's when the real battle starts. Depression, boredom . . . You feel so fucking low, you want to fucking top yourself.

Then it took a few years to get rid of those indifferent symptoms, and did some things that I thought were meaningful, knowing that I was a lucky group manipulated by fate. , No illness, no unmarried pregnancy, no bankruptcy, no betrayal, no old friends who owe money or entanglement, no fall and fall again, just a little melancholy, just intermittent attacks in the silent night. It's good enough, what more can I ask for in life?

So watch "Trainspotting" again 20 years later, and you will say that the protagonist's last actions and statements are the most correct. After all, although fate is cruel, it still gives a way, and only those who are willing to betray the past can survive in the rapidly changing new world.

Now I'm cleaning up and I'm moving on, going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already.
 I will be like you. Work, Home, Big TV, Washing Machine, Car, CD, Electric Can Opener, Low Cholesterol, Dental Insurance, Loan, Shopping, Casual Wear, Luggage, Full Suit, DIY, Quiz Show, Junk Food, Kids, Park Walk, Morning 9 to 5, golf, car wash, sweatshirts, family Christmas, pensions, tax exemption, clear water ditch, just look forward, day by day, death will stop.

Life is like a play.


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