convince students

When the students are convinced, they will be willing to do it. They will often use the identity of "teacher" to teach others, but it will not help things at all.

There is a dialogue between a music teacher and a student circulating on the Internet. In the dialogue, the teacher said, "This is how the students are now", "Is this your attitude towards the teacher?" I'm not good, very bad." I am more puzzled that the teacher has been emphasizing "teacher" and "student" without giving more discussion on the matter itself. The right or wrong of a matter is not determined by identity, not to mention there are many things There is no right or wrong, just different perspectives and perspectives. Putting identities into things doesn't help the things themselves much.

I am a tutor myself and have taught many middle school students. When I started teaching, I only wanted to teach certain knowledge to students, and other things were not ideal. Later, with more experience, I realized that the state of students themselves will have a great impact on their learning. If I insist that they complete their homework or just follow me, sometimes it will have the opposite effect. Therefore, my policy is to try my best to convince the students. oral.

There are deeper reasons why some students don't want to do their homework or don't want to attend class. I once taught a student who didn't want to learn English because a primary school teacher said to him, "Your English is really poor, if you learn it, it's the same as if you didn't learn it." He couldn't get rid of the primary school English teacher's evaluation of him. "I just can't learn English well." I didn't deny that he was not good at English, I just asked him if he thought English was always bad. He replied no, I have never met a student who said he didn't want to. Then I tried different learning methods with him, such as singing English songs, reciting dialogues from Marvel movies, looking up dictionaries, copying sentences, etc., and then asked him which one he liked. He chose to sing English songs. Through practice, I can gradually keep up with the speed of the song, and I also have the motivation to check the meaning of the lyrics. Sometimes he failed to complete his homework, such as being able to memorize the chorus, but he didn't do it. I asked him to do it on the spot, and he would get angry and say in a bad tone not to memorize it now. In the past, I would directly ask him to do it, but now I will understand the reasons for his anger through the question and answer. I believe that everyone has reasons behind their anger. At first he didn't want to talk or talk to me, so I said if I didn't want to talk, just do it, he had to say that it was a bit embarrassing to memorize the lyrics in front of people. "Oh! It turns out that he has such an idea." So I asked, "Why do you feel ashamed to sing in front of people?" He said that some classmates laughed when they sang in music class, so they felt ashamed. My approach is to sing with him, and he has the motivation to do it. Not afraid to do it in front of me either. When the students are convinced, they will be willing to do it. They will often use the identity of "teacher" to teach others, but it will not help things at all.

It will only unilaterally ask students to study robots instead. Everyone has their own experiences and ideas, and understanding is the more important thing. Students are also human beings, and they may have deficiencies in their thinking. What they need to do is to teach them to think about things and learn different knowledge, instead of using the identity of "teacher" to oppress them. If students can learn spontaneously, it is even more worthy of praise and encouragement.


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