Taking private photos, instigating contraceptive pills, being a child bride, the Chinese version of Room N: 50,000 demons are hunting young girls!

Taking private photos, instigating contraceptive pills, being a child bride, the Chinese version of Room N: 50,000 demons are hunting young girls!

The Korean version of Room N is once again staged in China

Humanity is the same

The evils of human nature are interlinked

Enslaving her ideologically, destroying her in her heart, exploiting her sexuality, and the heinous evil is spreading in China with far-reaching consequences!

A netizen said that a private website was found to have many underage children and was forced to make indecent videos. Currently, there are 50 million views. In addition, some netizens exposed a private group of 50,000 people that specially "trap" underage girls. The inside story is shocking.

According to the clues provided by the whistleblower, these pornographic websites have some information that expresses or implies the existence of "child pornography". For example, some videos will use words such as "underage" or "just grown up" in the title to attract users to click; some videos will use "yo girl" (homonym "young girl") to imply that the content is child pornography. In fact, even if you don't watch the video content, most Chinese pornographic websites often include video categories such as "young girl", "broken place" and "loli" at the top of the most conspicuous top, blatantly telling people that there is child pornography here content.

On the recommendation position of a pornographic website, the most-viewed "free video" is a video that violates underage women. The website shows that the video has more than 376,000 views and 574 "likes". Some sites even feature so-called "Little Girls Series" videos, with one video titled followed by the number "796" — meaning the video is the 796th in the series.

Once the incident was exposed, it immediately attracted a lot of attention from netizens.

Because behind every video, it means that a child is being sexually enslaved;

And every time the video is played, it means that in a hidden corner, there is a devil who is eyeing children.

After the incident fermented, Weibo netizen "Liangzhou Zz" followed up and revealed that a group called "Xiao Baicai" contained a lot of indecent content, including "trapping" underage girls in various ways such as verbal chat. It is reported that the group is extremely active, with about 50,000 people in the group.

Their process system is very perfect, and they only start with minors:

1. Expansion , children like to make friends, greet you in the way of expansion, and exchange cn

2. Become friends with you , talk about some things, from your preferences, to your family situation, your age, family situation, so as to extract your information

3. Exchange/buy gifts , chat with you for a while or not, tell you to buy gifts for you and give you things, children with poor awareness of prevention are generally given, but many are "name + parent's phone number + address", use this a way to get some information about a child

4. Begin to induce you to exchange photos , from clothes photos to large-scale photos, some children are hooked because they don't know how to refuse, thinking "you sent me too, should I send them too"

5. After all the above parts are completed, most people will directly turn their faces and start saying " If you don't xxx I will send your things", "I have your home address", "I have your parents' phone number", "I know." Your school", using this method to threaten you to do more terrifying things, most children are afraid that their family will obey and their goals will be achieved.

6. After they have played enough, they will package your entire set of information and change hands. The price of 2-3k has all your personal information, and the next person will torture you.

This little cabbage is not that little cabbage, but a simple, underage girl who has been toyed with and applauded by them.

They openly exchange private photos and videos of girls in the group, and enjoy it, and even share "fishing secrets", from taking private photos, instigating contraceptive pills, being a child bride, etc. This is an incident of hunting young girls with 50,000 people, and it is also a form of sexual slavery!

The Industrial Chain in the Darkness of the Internet

According to the clues sent by netizens, they opened child pornography websites, endured huge psychological discomfort to watch the video, and joined some creator groups and communication groups, trying to find out the industrial chain, lock the victims and perpetrators more specific information.

They found that members of these groups often mentioned going to something called a "box" to collect resources, and almost everyone in the group had resources . Uploading videos could earn platform share, and some videos needed to be paid to watch. Among them, videos involving girls account for about half, and candid videos account for about 40%. The upload of each video needs to be reviewed by customer service or fan groups. Judging from the environment in which the videos are located, most child pornography videos are shot in rural or mountainous areas.

Cracked versions of adult video apps are sold on social networks. Crack software distribution is a branch in the adult video industry chain. According to the network disk link provided by netizens, there are a total of 64 application installation packages, which can be purchased separately for 2 yuan and packaged for 25 yuan.

The content in these apps are all pornographic videos. The user interface of the products is similar to that of some Internet information platforms. The “creators” upload videos according to their own categories. Most other users have a limit on the number of free videos to watch. If you want to watch unlimited videos forever, you need to purchase a membership. The cracked version of the App installation package sold by netizens can be watched unlimitedly like members after installation.

She makes two bucks for every installation kit she sells. Similar to MLM, her superiors also have crack software providers, and if they pay them 50 yuan at a time, they can also get the sales qualifications for these installation packages. Netizens said that they bought cracked software just to "earn pocket money". In her profile on QQ, she wrote "30 in the audience (photo video). Save money to buy JK". The only news in QQ space is a few photos. It has not been confirmed that the person in the photo is the same person as the owner of the account.

Behind every video software is a group of video uploaders and viewers.

As parents, the only thing we can do is to know the methods and procedures they use to deceive young girls, and to tell children the dangers; more importantly, we must keep our attention on the incident, keep condemning it, forward it to more parents, and let more people keep it alert.

I hope every child can have a happy and unspoiled childhood.


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