Empowerment: Female empowerment and training (disadvantaged groups) (GG19)


[ For Web3Matters Matt Weekly 55th Special Issue]

First of all, how should we say Empowerment in the Chinese context? Perhaps we can review the thinking of our predecessors: one is to think with the development of the women's movement (Feminism Starting Point, 2009/8/8) ; the other is to refer to "Reflecting on the Meaning of Leadership from the Concept of Empowerment" (Taiwan Education Review Monthly, November 2022) , when the target has core professional skills, Empowerment means trusting and giving power. On the contrary, in the case of the next project, it can be translated as "empowerment empowerment", and giving capabilities also means Give permission.

PROJECT FOR ECO – RESTORATION AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT – It would have been easy to pass this project based on its mission or goals, or even women’s self-help groups, etc. However, seeing that the location of this project is in Asia, the expected benefits are There is actually another item to ensure that villagers have clean drinking water. You can almost imagine that it is a remote rural area, probably in India - it is not that there are no other places in Asia that also have drinking water problems, but the projects that have been applied for so far are all in India.

Then I saw that women should be "empowered" to get education, better medical care (health) and economic independence. --What kind of place is it? The postal code was even included in the project. I didn’t expect that by searching online, I could get a pretty good picture : from how many people were diagnosed with COVID-19, to temperature and humidity, and the weather forecast for the next five days, but the census data did not exist. In 2011, the population was the same as the project page, but the female literacy rate of 26.2% was quite different from the 57.69% mentioned on the project page. If you scroll down, you can also see information similar to the travel website, which lists the locations of ATM machines, religious sites, movie theaters (which are relatively far away), etc.

Go back and read more deeply about the welfare trust mentioned on the project page. It was registered according to the Trust Registration Act of Tamil Nadu, India. I saw that the goals of the trust assistance mentioned women’s physical autonomy (abortion), micro Economy (similar to the cottage industry we used to have), elimination of child labor and AIDS awareness, a kind of social atmosphere when I was still in college slowly emerged in my mind, and then I looked down at the projects that welcome partners to join. , schoolbags, stationery, lunch bags, dairy cows, and a pair of goats for children will make them very happy, as well as sewing machines to make girls financially independent, driving classes for independent mobility, or a well and a mechanical pump for their village. Knowing that there is an abundance of pure water deep underground, it’s just that communities suffer because they don’t have access to it.

After reading it, there is actually an incredible feeling that twenty or thirty years have passed very quickly, or that we have returned from the 1980s to the present very quickly. How could they think of investing in Gitcoin Grants? But hopefully permaculture can bring life to that place and people.


Ayowecca Uganda: Training rural farmers & indigenous communities on regenerative agriculture, providing women & girls with new skills for economic empowerment and planting fruit trees in school & health centers - In fact, it not only provides poor women in East Africa, Uganda, but also children, indigenous communities group; not just permaculture, but also working with wetlands, peatlands and ecosystem restoration; plastic waste and management and energy conservation.

I didn’t see on the website how they teach girls how to make reusable menstrual towels. Otherwise, I would really like to learn. I just like to learn from the experiences of women in other regions. This is a project that I would like to follow and learn more about in the future, because compared to the previous one, this project has too few images. Let’s catch up on Twitter first .

But another solar foundation and UBI’s GoodDollar project The Solar Foundation & GoodDollar: Solar + UBI to Empower Women in Uganda mentioned that the GG19 donated to them will cooperate with Ayowecca Uganda, but what? Not only does this project appear to be small in scale, only 50 women from Toroto District in Uganda can participate, and the conditions for participation are not easy to understand immediately. These 50 women do not have mobile phones of their own and have direct access to electricity (50 women who currently lack phones and direct access to electricity), the program allows them to purchase minutes but must borrow a phone. ——This is a micro-economic project that requires in-depth thinking and understanding.


EkoDoku - Ethical Silk Production is a cooperative with a vision, born in 2017 in Hatay Province in southern Turkey - located on the Mediterranean coast and at the border with Syria. Taking into account traditional craftsmanship, sustainability and fashion, it focuses on two revolutions in silk production: ensuring that silkworms are not harmed when harvesting silk, and re-cultivating silkworms - a species that has been considered extinct since the 1960s. Silkworm species Hatay Yellow. The project text is brief, and the website also has stories. If you read too many projects and can’t read the text, you can also checktheir IG .


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