Boys always love young girls?

Generally speaking, boys always choose young girls when looking for a partner, and generally speaking, girls always find men who are older than them, do you agree?

I recently read a research article by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft who surveyed 1,590 men and 1,048 women who logged on to a dating site and found that unmarried men, on average, prefer women 6 years younger than themselves, while married men They like women who are on average 10 years younger than themselves.

Why do mature men always love young girls? Is it simply because of lust?

After visiting different male friends, I came to the following conclusions:

  • Young women have high fertility and good quality offspring 👶🏻
  • Bringing a young girlfriend is even more envious of others🤩
  • Representing yourself is attractive 👨🏻‍🦰
  • It's lustful, the skin is smooth and the flesh is smooth👀

Regardless of the reason, this phenomenon seems to be really common. Whether you find someone younger or older than you, as I see it, you must first ask yourself, "Am I serious this time?"

True love can always make you overcome all difficulties 😂


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