Preaching. Teaching. Dispelling doubts

How to solve the problem? How to build your own mindset? How to continue to gain self-affirmation? Past experiences are also representative and worth sharing.

I fell into the first black hole of data mining a few days ago, and as a result, after researching day and night, half of the task was completed.

As mentioned in the article ( ), after getting stuck at an unsolvable point, no matter how hard you try, it may still be of no avail. Get out of this environment now, do it when you need to play games, watch dramas and drink coffee, let your mind leave the blind spot that cannot be solved, and then go back to the computer again, and you will expand the cut-in that was already deeply immersed in it. point, and re-use a broader scope to find a solution. Luckily, I did find a half of the solution tool that is not mature enough. Although it is not easy to use and has some limitations, it is still a great improvement over the way of exchanging time for one piece of information.

Sometimes I think about work and life, why not? The past twenty years in this workplace can be regarded as a long period of immersion in education and training, and it is true that I have the courage and confidence to stand on the stage and use the language and auxiliary teaching materials that each other can understand to pass on the knowledge to the people who are in the audience. It takes a strong knowledge base to make this matter lightly.

When I first entered the workplace, I relied on my past experience in the field of information technology to educate and train experienced people who have been in the industry for a long time, and I explained it bit by bit in a superficial way. And supplemented by a large number of real-life comparison examples, so that some cold technical names in technology can be compared with the real world, and gradually let the masters overcome their fears and truly begin to bravely embrace the digital age.

But after working for a few years, it's a completely different way. At this time, after relying on a lot of reading and tireless study and practice, at a certain moment, I will feel a real sudden "enlightenment". After that time, which is tentatively called "singularity", imparting information to several, dozens or even hundreds of subjects on stage is already a relaxed and comfortable enjoyment. At this time, in addition to being able to enjoy the feedback and satisfaction of knowing from the listener's expression that they really know a new piece of information, he has become a pioneer in a field because he has experience in many related fields. The content at this time has a sufficient amount of example background, and it really has a certain amount of weight.

After that, I was constantly broken by my own decisions in different professional fields. Switching to different career scopes, I have been humble and attentive to build the knowledge base of a field from scratch, and I have been constantly proving that after using the right method, in many fields, at a certain moment, it can become relative. Skilled Professionals. (Of course, fields with a huge amount of knowledge such as medicine, science, etc. cannot be achieved in a short time.)

Until I started to lead several different teams, I also started to build a new business from scratch. Because of past experiences, these tasks can be more effectively deconstructed and gradually built. The biggest source of achievement at this moment is the realm described by the phrase "Success does not have to be in me". Seeing that newcomers who have been educated and debuted by themselves can also complete one task and case in the right way, the achievements on their faces And joy will be the source of your own double sense of achievement.


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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2022 馬特市年度問卷 | 中斷了日更的一年,波動起伏的一年

