Milk tea control test drink record. Boxed dairy products at the convenience of supermarkets!

I am really a milk tea addict. It feels weird if I don’t drink it for a day. It’s like the concept of many people who must come to the coffee in the morning.

I am really a milk tea addict. It feels weird if I don’t drink it all day. It’s like the concept that many people must come to coffee in the morning. If I don’t drink it, it seems like I haven’t woken up yet. Buy fresh milk, and then make tea to make sugar-free fresh milk tea (fortunately, I don't like sweetness, so I can make healthier milk tea by myself).

What about bottled or boxed milk tea on the market? It's good to drink occasionally, their common problem is that they are a little too sweet, but every time I see a new product, I want to try it...

Does anyone also control milk tea? Please share the milk tea! 😂

Afternoon time heavy milk tea

For a while, many brands have been promoting milk tea with heavy milk. After drinking it, I feel that this one in the afternoon is not bad. It is one of the few that will be repurchased. Although it is advertised as heavy milk, the tea taste is still there, and the sweetness is not too much. High, that is, the milk tea flavor and sweetness have reached a balance, and it is easy to buy [although Yimei's is also good, but not available everywhere], sometimes it is inconvenient to buy it when you make your own special fresh milk tea A bottle for breakfast!

Afternoon time heavy milk tea
Afternoon time heavy milk tea

Yimei Milk Tea

When it comes to boxed milk tea, many people prefer Yimei. Later, when I was shopping at Carrefour, I saw this one. It doesn’t seem to be my favorite box. I think this one is a little sweeter, but it’s acceptable. , is also advertised as containing no creamer, and uses cymbidium black tea. I usually use cymbidium black tea when I make my own sugar-free fresh milk tea😀.

Yimei Milk Tea

The content of dairy products is 50%↑, which is 10% less than the one above, but I don't know if it is related to the higher sweetness, but the milk taste is more obvious. I remember that Yimei also had milk tea with heavy milk before, but the supermarket nearby I haven't seen it yet, next time I go to the whole family to see if there are other flavors 🤤.

The yellow-skinned Gypsy Ruth said: It is Yimei's "fresh" milk tea.

Eh! ? Isn't it good to drink less sugary drinks? No way, the weather is so hot recently, it would be too difficult to drink some ice-cold milk tea!

Cha Ming carrier velvet rhyme pot boiled milk tea flavor

Seeing that someone is introducing this milk tea [tea Ming carrier velvet rhythm pot boiled milk tea flavor], as a milk tea lover, of course I have to buy it and try it out XD.

Cha Ming carrier velvet rhyme pot boiled milk tea flavor

Sure enough, it's the same as the legend, it won't be very sweet, the milk flavor and tea flavor are about half and half, but the tea flavor is more prominent, probably because of the pot cooking flavor, there is a special pot cooking flavor that makes the tea taste a little more obvious, I think I drink it. The top three boxed milk teas in the past, but now it seems that only the whole family has seen it.

Cha Ming carrier velvet rhyme pot boiled milk tea flavor

Later, I found out that this is a beverage shop opened by an artist in Taichung, so it is a joint venture with the whole family. Moreover, this shop is the main shop specializing in pot-cooked milk tea. If you go to Taichung, maybe... I will have a drink on the spot. Boiled pot to make milk tea. 😁

Cha Ming carrier FB

Taro sees grandma

This is a drink co-branded by Qingyuan and 7-11. Now Qingyuan seems to have stores in many places. I checked that its main product is taro.

Taro sees grandma

Point 1: This is also a drink that is not very sweet. It feels like one of the characteristics of the co-branded drink is that it will not be too sweet?

The second point of drinking: It looks like a light taro color, and the taro flavor is quite obvious. The taste is not very thick, and it is very smooth to drink. ! Finished! ! !

Taro sees grandma

I went to Qingyuan's official website to check it out. This product was put on the shelves at the beginning of this year. Because I love milk drinks, I was very curious and wanted to try it. Moreover, the name of this product is so cute, I see grandma XD.

Taro sees grandma event webpage

Peace on Earth

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