"New Year's Dictionary (2021/2022 Edition)" - Please compile a "Dictionary of Commonsense"


We spent some time together discussing Flaubert in depth, the history of ideas about dictionaries, and the ambitions behind the author's "open" style. At the end of the chapter, we come to the conclusion that we should fight nihilism with common sense and pursue independence and personal spiritual well-being based on common sense. The final episode of the season is an invitation letter. We would like to invite you to join us in compiling The Dictionary of Common Sense, in other words, an instruction manual for the world you live in right now.

Let's talk about it below. If an entry comes to your mind while reading "our" dictionary, don't hesitate to drop down to the comments section to start writing.

We also don't do it. Thank you very much for reading and thinking with Read Li Ri once again. See you next time!

Happy Readependence Day!


After the 19th century, it has become a (religious) festival for people around the world. It is well-documented that the influence of religion can only come from its power to enrich.

last month

Like the one standing at the end of the tug-of-war team, everyone's weight came in waves, but they still had to stand still.

Lunar New Year's eve

There has to be a day when people stop and do nothing but feel satisfied. Like a good night's sleep.

new year

Always tempt you with turning over until you lose everything again.

christmas tree

People cut the tree from the ground, pulled it back to their house, and erected it again, just to hang their own lights and gifts on it. As far as I know, no one has ever given it a gift.

new Year's gift

I can't remember anything from the last few years.

Christmas Eve

Don't eat apples.

Santa Claus

Why has no one ever asked him if he has a wife, children and family. Why didn't he spend Christmas at home?

Double Twelve

One day a month is stuttering, and there's one country people seem to like in particular, and they celebrate by buying lots and lots of stuff.


Exactly in December. It is said that Sagittarius are all outgoing, so there is probably another me in this world.


You can never get used to this kind of beauty.


I have personally built no more than three in my life.

winter vacation

always too short.

new year wishes

A harmless superstition.

one year summary

Everyone is writing, no one wants to read.


It sounds itchy, so it always seems to be laughing.

Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new

Have you ever heard of anyone's life where something really amazing happened during this transition of old and new? I don't have it anyway.


It must be full of anger, full of true feelings (it would be even better if there were still tears flashing): Go to hell 2021! That way you don't have to examine yourself.


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