Curry: Two hundred flavor variations for one hundred people

It is delicious with rice, noodles, toast, steamed bread, and scones! I want to eat it all year round, I want to eat it even when it rains, and I want to eat it when I’m thirsty~
One bowl after another, the magic curry that you can't stop eating

➤ write in front

This article is mainly based on curry powder, and it can be done in a large pot as much as possible.


  • Curry powder

There are many curry powders with simple ingredients and no incomprehensible additives on the market store. The 600g large package is also very cheap. It is recommended to try more, or mix and match two or three kinds!

  • best food

Potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, apples

  • You can refer to the ingredients you like to add

Frozen tofu, cabbage, broccoli, beans, cashews, lotus seeds, etc., you can try all the ingredients you like, and maybe you can have an unexpectedly delicious curry!

ps is right! I once ate egg curry in India. It was a boiled egg style. I felt that it had been handled in other ways. It was the first time I ate it and it was surprisingly delicious!

  • seasoning

→Required: Salt, Soy Sauce →Optional: Tomato Sauce, Sweet Basil, Nine-layer Tower, Turmeric Powder

➤ Breakdown steps

You can get everything ready and cook it slowly, or you can do it in the way I listed below, the first half is almost like cooking stock, just stir it, so it saves time while preparing the next batch of ingredients. The easiest way to do it is to prepare the materials and put them in leisurely, and there is no need to wait for seamless integration.

  • 1> Filtered blisters dry goods

Mushrooms, cashews, lotus seeds and other dry goods should be cleaned first and soaked in filtered water. If you are lazy, you can directly soak them in hot water faster. This water can be used as a soup base. Be sure to keep it.

  • 2> Sichuan-boiled carrots

Peel the carrots, cut them into pieces, and blanch them in almost the same amount of water until half-cooked. You can watch them once or twice during this period and stir them. You can prepare the potatoes at the same time. Drain the blanched carrots and put them in another place (the water can be kept for watering the flowers or poured out directly). My mother said that the soup should be boiled and boiled with carrots, so she put it aside and waited.

  • 3> Potato diced and soaked in filtered water

The potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into pieces, and then a small pot of filtered water soaked in anti-oxidation, this pot of water is also one of the soup bases to stay.

  • 4> Cut shiitake mushrooms or mushrooms, put them in the pot and boil dry food

When the shiitake mushrooms are almost soft, squeeze dry water, slice, pour the whole bowl of dry food + water into a large pot, add two or three bowls of water, cover the lid and cook over low heat.

There is a separate turmeric powder at home, and I will add some to cook it together at the beginning, which is more fragrant and can make the ingredients simple and delicious from the beginning.

  • 5> After rolling, put carrots, diced apples, and salt

After the cauldron has been boiled for a while, add the carrots that were previously blanched and drained, and the apples, peeled and diced. Add salt, turn to medium heat and continue to cook. If the water should submerge the ingredients, add some water as appropriate.

If you want to add hobby ingredients, follow the principle of "put it early if it is resistant to cooking, and put it later if it is not resistant to cooking" !

  • 6> Stir the curry paste

Take an empty bowl to prepare the curry powder paste, at least half a bowl of curry powder should be placed in a large pot of curry (my bowl is a double-layer insulated bowl, the capacity is about twice the size of a normal rice bowl), add enough oil, at least visually 200ml starts, because curry powder needs the help of oil very much. The curry that is well dissolved will be smooth and delicious, and the curry that is not well dissolved will have a rustling taste. Stir until it is thinner than mayonnaise, and continue to add oil if it feels thick. Mix well and set aside.

  • 7> Put the potatoes after rolling

After the large pot is brought to a boil, add the previously sliced potatoes and the potato bath water, and continue to cover and cook over medium heat.

  • 8> Continue to stir the curry powder paste

Come back and pay attention to the curry powder paste. If it is too thick, you need to add oil and then stir it until it is thinner than mayonnaise and mix well. Keep it aside.

  • 9>Cut the cabbage, roll the cabbage

Wash and cut the cabbage, put the cabbage in a large pot, stir a few times, and stir the cabbage to the bottom and cook.

  • 10> Finally, adjust the curry paste and put it into the pot slowly.

After the cauldron rolls up happily, you can try the taste of the soup first. At present, only add salt, and the final product should taste a little sweet and salty. If it is not enough, you can add salt at this time, or add soy sauce at the end to adjust the saltiness. Soy sauce and salt have different flavor layers in curry, you can try different variations.

Finally, adjust the curry powder paste. The curry paste paste is added in the same way as miso. First, scoop a large tablespoon (the kind of public scooping soup) into the soup, and stir with chopsticks or small tablespoons in the other hand, and slowly dissolve in the soup. , Change the place at any time and use the clear soup next to it to slowly dissolve the curry powder paste. Don't rush to pour the whole bowl of curry powder paste into it, be sure to take a tablespoon and a tablespoon slowly, and stir the whole pot of soup a few times. When sticking to the pot, the fire should be controlled in a state where it can be rolled all the time, and be careful of splashing.

  • 11> Add some ketchup, soy sauce

Finally, add a little tomato sauce and a tablespoon of soy sauce to increase the layering of the taste. Finally, try it out and adjust the taste to your liking. Personally, I like soup curry, so I will add some hot water to adjust it depending on the situation. All in all, just adjust whatever you like.

  • 12> Put it in a smoldering pot for half an hour to 1 hour, and start eating.

The smoldering pot is really easy to use, keeping heat and saving gas, absolutely safe and leak-proof, easy to wash without any need to stir, ideal equipment!

➤Enjoy curry

It is delicious with rice, noodles, toast, steamed bread, and scones!

I want to eat it all year round, I want to eat it even when it rains, and I want to eat it when I’m thirsty~

Because the noodles are cooked separately, like the pot-fired pasta, the curry will absorb the flavor after being boiled in water. It is best to use a curry with a stronger flavor. Ordinary noodles such as Guanmiao noodles and udon noodles are invincible with curry, which can make people feel that they are inhaled. XD


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