Cosmos Hub | Proposal 76 Dispute over minimum commission set to 5%


It cannot be said that the Cosmos Motion 76 is very strange. It seems to be a normal appeal on the surface, but it is a problem of handling methods.

Proposition 76 requires all validator nodes to set a minimum commission of 5% . The benefit is to drive innovation, so that Cosmos can continue to have new ideas and create value. The 0% commission validator only attracts delegators by not charging commissions, and it will cause the growth of spam validators and affect the development of Cosmos. The 5% minimum commission guarantees that the validator will at least have some new ideas to attract delegators, and it also encourages the Cosmos network to be more decentralized, because the validator uses performance instead of 0% commission to attract delegators.

The community reaction does not seem to think so. For example, they believe that validators do need to have a track record to attract people to delegate, but delegators are free to delegate, and validators should also have the same opportunity to freely set 0% commission .

It was also said that the motion seemed to have been written in haste without sufficient discussion in Commonwealth .

And the "wise man" Ro₿₿ Stack ⚛️ found it strange that the proposal was initiated by a validator with a set 100% commission (!).

In any case, the under-discussed motion should not be put on the table, but basically I agree with the 5% commission, so I have to abstain from ABSTAIN this time.

The current motion does not have the statutory voting rights, but No holds 73.87%.

Cosmos Hub series

Cosmos Hub | Is there an airdrop after Motion 65 is cast?
Cosmos Hub | Interchain Account The powerful functions of cross-chain accounts are beyond imagination

Cosmos Hub | Proposal 72 Introduces Liquid Staking and DeFi to Cosmos Hub with Interchain Security
Cosmos Hub | Definition of Motion 75 NO with VETO


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