"Magic Voice" Track03 #152 Chilling

Car sound, go away. However, Ling Qin still did not let go of Zhao Fei. In a hug, there was a meaning other than the reason she told Zhao Fei... Pu-pu-pu-pu--pu-pu-pu-pu- She could hear Zhao Fei's own heartbeat, in sync, and at the same time. accelerating. "Qin..." "The person who appeared in the hospital was with Ake. That person... got it... We can't follow them anymore." Ling Qin sat up straight and put both hands on the steering wheel again. The magic power is completely withdrawn. Inspiration is also put away. The heartbeat is still accelerating... It's no longer because of Zhao Fei. Rather...
Ling Ying|Illustrator: KC.5 (Tommy Ng)

"In the hospital, there is something the old man wanted to do before."

The magic drug...

Zhao Fei remembered hearing about it from his adoptive father when he was very young.

"Chengyin has already realized that I'm not just recovering from illness. She doesn't allow me to face those things alone." Ling Qin's smile was filled with happiness—the kind of smile that is worth living when you meet someone you love.

"The daughter of the Ling family is really troublesome." Zhao Fei smiled wryly. Perhaps, he is the person in the world who understands why Chengyin has such worries. The daughter of the Ling family likes to carry everything on her shoulders, as if she was alone, and there is no such thing as a partner...

"I knew you would say that." Ling Qin squeezed his nose and made a face.

"Are you being watched because of your identity as the daughter of the Ling family?"

"After the old man completely quits, there are still many people who still want to make a magic revolution. We are their biggest threat." Ling Qin continued to say, "However, they are not only monitoring me. My blood, probably It's what they want most."

"After Uncle Tang died..."

"Teacher is just a chess piece. His death will hardly affect the people behind the scenes." Ling Qin sighed softly. "Even, I suspect that the teacher was sacrificed."

"What?" Zhao Fei remembered what Xingke said that day...

Wouldn't even the adoptive father of Tang clone be killed by Xing Ke...

"Hee hee!" Ling Qin put on a mischievous sly smile.

Zhao Fei suddenly woke up.

At that moment, Ling Qin used her inspiration to discover Zhao Fei's hidden secret.

Said so much, just to remind him to remember, to let the secret surface from the deepest and bottom of the heart lake...

But, knowing that, Ling Qin could still laugh?

Suddenly, strange. For Ling Qin in front of him, Zhao Fei lost the sense of familiarity.

"I just made you lose confidence like that?" Ling Qin's smile faded, replaced by a touch of resentment.

It hurts to watch.

Zhao Fei was at a loss. In the end, which look of Ling Qin is the most real of her?

really do not know……

"I knew the moment the magic was awakened again." Ling Qin said calmly, "Chengyin is outside the hospital building, and is trying to make the whole hospital's abnormal magic fall asleep, so I didn't notice that there was a person Hiding in the deepest part of the hospital, using the power of suggestion and hypnosis to control a group of patients to attack me and Aliu.”

Zhao Fei's eyes flashed with guilt. what happened tonight? Why do you misunderstand Ling Ying and Ling Qin one after another? After being ashamed, he became distressed. He is someone who has already decided to do everything in his power to protect him, someone who should be absolutely trusted...

Ling Qin's heavy tone replied with ease. She patted Zhaofei on the shoulder vigorously and continued, "I couldn't feel who he was at the time, I only captured a thought of him at that moment."


"That's right! I know this is absolutely impossible for Chengyin to know, so I understand why you keep Ake's words locked in your heart." Ling Qin sighed heavily as if disappointed. "It's just that I didn't expect your trust in me to be so untested."


"Okay! I accept your apology." Ling Qin's bright smile, which was enough to match the sunshine, finally pulled him up again.

Got tricked again. Zhao Fei smiled wryly.

"Feifei..." Ling Qin whispered, pulled Zhaofei over, hugged him tightly, and made their faces rub against each other...

"Don't move." Her voice sounded in his heart, which was beating faster and faster. "Here's the guy who picked up Akko."

A car of the same color and model as the SUV that was hit and deformed in front of it passed by Jeep.

"Ordinary Jumper and Lightning Runner. Not qualified to sense us."

"Inspired by the potion?" Zhao Fei responded in his heart.

"Only your brother has the magic power inspired by those potions."

"What?" Zhao Fei almost asked.

"And Shadow."

"He can transfer magic?"

"General, yes."

Car sound, go away.

However, Ling Qin still did not let go of Zhao Fei.

A hug contained meanings other than the reason she told Zhao Fei...

puff- puff- puff- puff- puff-

She could hear that Zhao Fei was in sync with her own heartbeat, and they were accelerating together.


"The man who showed up at the hospital, with Akko. That man... Got it... We can't follow them anymore."

Ling Qin sat up straight and put both hands on the steering wheel again.

The magic power is completely withdrawn. Inspiration is also put away. Heartbeat is still accelerating...

No longer because of Zhao Fei. Rather...

fear. Chilled.

To be continued

Continue reading "Magic Sound"

MagicVoice Saga

Track 01 " Can't Tell You This Pledge "
Track 02 " Hearing the Silent Confession "
Track 03 " Memories Rest "
Different " Magic Sound "


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韋浩川韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!
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