Matters Mutual Heating Program in Matt City | Daily Earning 1 Like Coin Program (9)

The heating project is coming to the eighth week, with a total of 47 authors, 231 new likes, and a total of 1567/4055. Although the number cannot reach 61 like last week, there are still a few new authors. I would like to thank you for your appreciation. With a grateful heart, I hope your articles can be discovered by more people.

The plan is entering the ninth week. I am really grateful to all the authors who have supported me along the way. I really didn’t expect how long I would support myself at the beginning. I am a standard Sagittarius, and some things I am passionate about are often anticlimactic, but there are Your support and interaction made me stick to it. I won't talk nonsense, first post pictures, then give a title, and then talk about everyday things.

Not ranked thanks to the title:

@LayFlatCat@chocolate@Faithful to Writing @MRbear@StarLights @PhilipMak@ I 'm Little Treasure@LemnBlackr@王大王@小小小骨Bar Engineer @zongyou @catding @沙茈@Opening Life@A Ming Diary@Chicken Feather Trivia @ It's a rabbit and a cat @kk @Cai Yanqiu @evahe @ 聲國@ellie@zhenxiao @small farmer daily@drunk snow hall @chuanlin@qiqi @Jeffery @ Johnny 's world @SU Love @Volunteer Grandpa @bigN @bangnan @COOKIE @farewell @ yunxun83@rhk @ Miss.Erguotou@Ma Sigao @yang Prey@Time is passing @ James's Self-Learning AI Area @lessons_from_books@Reading Pen Farming@Dr . Soonlin @Juan @ Liker.Social Editorial Team

By the way, I took a look at the hot topic in Matt City: social mutual shooting, win-win altruism, why not?

First of all, I declare that I have no pre-set position, but this topic has a certain degree of relevance to my series of articles. I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha. If you are interested, you can click in and have a look. I just want to thank you for the articles in this series. To the authors who gave me a thumbs up, thank you for your support. It allowed me to reach the ninth week. I am also honored to recognize so many authors. The method may not be the best, but the goal has been achieved. A place to rest before leaving.

In fact, this series of posts often makes me realize that I am a middle-aged uncle of the previous generation. I guess the children don’t know what I am talking about for some themes and memes. I have the source of inspiration for my writing today. Fortunately, some of my classmates at the same time as me know it. This is what makes me gratified. I don’t know if all of you have seen Nintendo’s early works. He, commonly known as the clearance machine, don't understand what I'm talking about? Make up a picture

Source: UDNtime

I hope it can evoke the pure and happy time in your hearts when you were young, and don’t forget to give each other a thumbs up, recharge your batteries, continue to work hard, and encourage each other.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!