How many male genitals are cut off every year in Iran?

This is an article written with my lower body covered

Half of the world's male genitalia are cut off in Iran, and nearly half of the ancestral home of these ill-fated penises are Kermanshah. Those who don't know it think that their holders are charging KPI for the local reproductive hospital.

According to a survey report in 2017, hospitals across Iran have received a total of 987 cases of "penile fracture" in the past three years, with an average of one genital being injured every day. Kermanshah province has the highest rate of broken chickens. Other regions are slightly lower, which the government blames on poor sex education there.

"Taqaandan" (meaning "the Click" in Kurdish) is responsible for the horrific data, which is a hardcore game with human-to-human transmission among local men. The procedure involves grasping the base of the penis during an erection , break off the front end of the penis until you hear a crisp crackling sound...

According to people who have experienced it, there will be a little pain at the beginning. Most people swear that it will not be too serious, and the pain will not hurt after the pain. Fearing that others would not believe it, the result of daring to prove it may be the next unlucky person lying on the hospital bed.

Of the 172 "Taqaandan" victims admitted to a hospital in Kermanshah, 40 percent said they did it because it was a real man's habit, just for fun, and some said it was to interrupt Erection or unwanted desire.

"Erections are considered shameful, even if they are natural, and many men use this bending and cracking technique to make erections go away, either because they want to avoid embarrassment in front of loved ones or because of religious self-restraint, Kill your own thoughts of committing a crime," said a netizen who did not want to be named.

It also appears to be a traditional practice of precept and deed, with a brother who moved to Germany from Iran seeking relationship advice on reddit because his wife was reluctant to teach their six-year-old about "Taqaandan," a common Kurdish culture. There are quite a few criticisms.

"I told her it's not something a German would do, I didn't like that stuff as a kid, I got a lot of injuries, my penis is actually bent to one side, I've shown her mine The medical report said it was dangerous, but she still put pressure on me with relatives."

In addition, there are some Middle Eastern buddies who are a little dabbled in female genital anatomy models. They bend their genitals specially in an attempt to better stimulate their partner’s G-spot and relieve the pressure brought by the polygamy system. He didn't control the strength well, so he had to hold his lower part and was sent to the ICU by the white car.

Just like the viral death challenge on Tik Tok, no one knows how "Taqaandan" became popular, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that a quarter of patients said that "Taqaandan"'s immersive ASMR 哢哢 sound People are pleasant, and the level of sound is comparable to knuckle breaking. Such a description makes every tough guy with a handle want to try it.

"The popping sound comes from the tearing of the tunica albuginea, the fibrous covering that runs through the urethra, and its tearing can cause a sudden loss of erectile function, causing blood to spill, bleeding under the skin, in the torn The place develops an eggplant-like color," explains the urology website

In addition to the color, the tear of the albuginea can also cause the patient's penis to swell into an eggplant shape, so some Middle Eastern buddies who are not satisfied with their size have misappropriated "Taqaandan" as a buff switch for crotch masculinity, aka cult penis enlargement surgery...

Outside of Kermanshah, the most common cause of "penile fracture" is the penis slipping out of the vagina and impinging on the pubic symphysis or perineum, with 60% of cases in Iran occurring during consensual sex and more likely to occur when the woman is in In the case of dominance, experts claim that doggy pose and lady-top pose are two of the riskiest positions.

Sexual activity under certain stressors is also a common trigger for "penile fractures," a relatively rare injury in which most patients are afraid to contact their families because of the high proportion of extramarital affairs and sex in unusual locations .

According to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine: Of 16 patients with acute penile fractures, seven had extramarital affairs, two were in the back of a car, two were in the bathroom, and three were at work. Had sex, 1 person was in the elevator.

Being brave to break the rules is not a good thing in many cases. I don’t want readers of this article to appear on the top of social news headlines or funny forums in the next period of time. After all, twisted melons are not sweet. Chicken into the hospital.


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