Community Activities|Make up stories with numbers (2) Conclusion of the activity

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
In this event, after changing the minimum word limit to 700 words, not only the number of good-looking works has increased, but also the meanings contained in the works are very rich. Readers are welcome to read the articles of the participants.

● Preface

Thank you for your support in making a story by numbers (2) - whether it's a second or first participation. Compared with the first time, maybe because of the appreciation of LikeCoin, everyone is very eager to participate and try the event. Therefore, the number of participants this time has risen to 39 compared to the 14 last time. Thank you for participating!

In this event, at first, a lot of participants did not read the rules clearly, so there were problems such as insufficient words, not taking only five figures for interpretation, and no interpretation figures attached to the title. Glad that most of the authors made revisions.

In terms of the title, the reason why the interpretation numbers must be attached is because the numbers used by most of the participants in this event contain the blessings given by each person to the Matters platform, and because numbers are actually more powerful than words. , subconsciously read, so even if a passing reader does not click on the article, but only glimpses the number, he will already be blessed once .

On the other hand, just as Ben Xiong imagined, the number of characters in the first event was limited to less than 1,000 words, so there were many works with less than 500 words, resulting in the content not only tasteless, but also a pity to discard, and even not worth mentioning. Being able to fully advertise the real usefulness of numerical reasoning :

  1. find inspiration, and;
  2. Talk to your subconscious mind and soul.

In this event, after changing the minimum character limit to 700 words, not only more beautiful works, but also the meanings contained in the works are very rich. Readers are welcome to read the articles of the participants.

Of course, if you love science and seek truth in everything, you may not believe the above statement, but Ben Xiong is convinced that creation is more inclined to the expression of the soul than the spirit of science. As a member of the promotion and interpretation of soul fragments, Ben Xiong read all the works this time, and left a message in each chapter, giving affirmation and notice to all the creators who unintentionally successfully interpreted his past life stories or soul fragments; but he did not succeed. The interpreter has also created very nice and interesting stories...and articles on "abominable" food and life.

From a realistic point of view, the creators of successful interpretations have actually saved a large amount of "hypnotherapy" and "previous life interpretation" fees, which cost about HKD 3000 or more - of course, this fee requires you to One day, when I really want to deal with some problems that cannot be cured, and I feel that something is wrong, I will be spent.

I hope you will like this little invisible gift. At the same time, Ben Xiong also encourages you to continue to use numbers to create, which will help you interpret more stories that belong to yourself or others. At the same time, if necessary, you can also contact Ben Xiong, and Ben Xiong will do his best to answer all kinds of questions.

In addition, if the participant has obtained a series of numbers left by Ben Bear in the message, and is very curious about what the numbers mean, Ben Bear is very happy to assist in the interpretation. However, interpreting these numbers requires communication with the subconscious mind , and it will take a lot of brainpower and energy, so this part will need to be charged , and at the current exchange rate, it will take 32 LikeCoins to interpret each number.

● Total bonus

Upfront bonus: 5570 LikeCoin = 557 x 10
 Within seven days after the proposal post is sent, the amount of support obtained x 10 is calculated in LikeCoin; if the support is fiat currency, the exchange rate on the day of settlement shall prevail

Number of supporters within seven days: 11 Total support amount: 557 LikeCoin

List of supporters (in no particular order): @white hair poke about it, @cat traveling[Erica], @Ziohzhihao, @guchen, @ Ruth's growth diary, @Tree Lazy Life,@Bird Ye, @Ferret Pen Wide Noodles, @Daisy , @Chicken Feather's Little Things, @Azure Sky

In the above list, @古chen and @ Ruth's growth diary are eligible to participate in the lottery for supporting 100LikeCoin or more.

Late Bonus (Participation Bonus): 11700 LikeCoin = 39 x 300
 During the call for papers, the number of articles obtained by the call for papers x 300 LikeCoin
Total prize money: 17,270 LikeCoin = 5570 + 11700

Please @Matty confirm the total bonus amount above.

● Bonus distribution and article introduction (in no particular order)

Participation Reward: 332 LikeCoins per person.
 75% of the prize money will be distributed equally to all participants.

Participation-only list:

A life story

  1. ​@Cat Travel [Erica] Residents on the sports route (15) . Cat Bathing Show︱Numbers make up stories [58407]
    ※ Xiongtai's words: There are many cats and cats, so if you read it, you will be healed.
  2. @Ziohzhihao Make up stories with numbers | Negative energy life: why not die (57414)
  3. @ Zuixuetang Make up stories with numbers | Lost consciousness, countdown (43210)
  4. @Talara Making up stories with numbers | Allergies (11894)
  5. @Emma Make up stories with numbers|Hot Pot Code (62868)
    ※Xiong Tai's words: Watching it late at night will make you hungry.
  6. @徐心 Making up stories with numbers (2): 27315

The adventure stories

  1. @White hair poke it  Cycling Delusion │ 83827
  2. @zoe 18539 |Make up stories with numbers
  3. @星光光Community activity_Make up stories with numbers (13579)
  4. @王太仙森|Interpretation of Soul Fragment Promotion [ Community Activities|] Rename of Lingxing System (96128)
  5. @kaihang lifeThe last day of his life |Make up a story with numbers 89106

Three love stories

  1. @WitchL Make up stories with numbers / 91897
  2. @wubi Make up stories with numbers|14520
  3. @青海一Drop Make up a story with numbers | 12118---The love between two lives of a woman and a man
  4. @有灵 Using numbers to make up stories - 13540
  5. @si Kaoru Make up stories with numbers | Honey-Lemon First Love 30216 (Love Code)
    ※Xiong Tai's words: After reading it, there is still a bit of sweet and sour taste.
  6. @Flora Whimsical  Storytelling by Numbers | 20589
  7. @DrYuan. Tangyuanmakes up a story with numbers: 41890~frustrated, drink wine
  8. @small slash engineer Make up stories with numbers | 80199 Circles (Circles)
    ※ Xiong Tai's words: Use the method of numerical reasoning to prove that the author is really an engineer.
  9. @zhenxiao Make up a story with numbers ~ A lifetime of secret love (13517)
  10. @亜西 Make up a story with numbers|11695 Love Diary──Three Confessions

4. Funny and light-hearted stories

  1. @毛毳[ Activity] Making up stories with numbers: Correction (01234)
  2. @Reading Pen Farming  Reading Writing Farming|#Digital Story• Accounting Zoo 24680
  3. @The sloth's life Storytelling by numbers | About Matt City - Three Urban Legends (21989)
    ※ Xiong Tai's words: I used an interesting method to share the three legends in Matt City, but the legend has nothing to do with numerical reasoning, which is a pity.
  4. @A cat who can play the piano  [ Make up a story by numbers 2] The Queen's Candy Cane (91708)

Special arrangements for lucky draw rewards and newcomer rewards: each person can get 259 LikeCoin + participation reward 332 LikeCoin.
 Since there are only two eligible participants for the lucky draw and eight eligible participants for the newcomer reward, Benxiong wants to combine and share the winnings of the lucky draw and the newcomer reward, hoping to encourage more people to Really enjoy writing and creating. Therefore, the current draw prize and the newcomer reward together account for 15% of the prize money, which will be divided equally among the 10 eligible participants.

Draw prizes

  1. [Funny class] @GU Chen Makes up stories with numbers (the second issue): The Dali Temple Incident Book of the False Legend of Martial Arts (18640)
    ※Xiong Tai's words: Ben Xiong also liked this story very much. I really found it quite interesting. After reading it, I couldn't help laughing.
  2. [Funny category] @Ruth's growth diary Scenic afternoon time-tortoise and hare contest | 57892

Newcomer Award Works

  1. 【Life】 @刘家Community activities. Storytelling by numbers | Spaceship Parking Yard-NO.01589
  2. [Adventures] @林二 Make up stories with numbers | Kung Fu (73128)
    ※ Xiong Tai's words: very interesting, smooth and easy to read "fables". Only the use of punctuation and the half-full-shape issue are a bit of a hindrance to reading, but overall I think the story is pretty good.
  3. 【Adventures】 @陈博兴Community Activities|Story by Numbers|Short Story Writing—Apprentice (40301)
  4. 【Adventure】 @kaya Make up stories with numbers|Moon River Town (81623)
  5. 【Love】@Word Traveler Gary Make up stories with numbers|Respect our lost youth- 01289
  6. 【Suspense】@fanan Make up a story with numbers|Puppet manipulation (19270)
  7. 【Suspense】 @JD Daily  Dining table daily|(0)(1)(8)(3)(5)
  8. [Suspense] @Bird Ye [ Community Activities|Make up stories with numbers (2)] 53838
    ※ Xiong Tai's words: very good digital association.

Special Rewards: 345 LikeCoins per person + 332 LikeCoins for participation + (if any) lucky draw rewards and 259 LikeCoins for newcomers.
 The 10% bonus will be evenly distributed to five participants who are highly recommended by Ben Bear.
  1. 【Adventures】 @陈博兴Community Activities|Story by Numbers|Short Story Writing—Apprentice (40301)
    ※Xiong Tai's words: Very nice fantasy novel, looking forward to the sequel. (Total 936 LikeCoins)
  2. 【Tragedy】@Conflict Girl Community Activities: Digital Reasoning | Use 68012 to let everyone care about domestic violence
    ※Xiong Tai's words: The stories told by numerical reasoning may be a little false for happy and ordinary people, but for some people, they are more real than novels. In fact, if the introduction is based on the premise of interpreting soul fragments, this article perfectly shows what kind of stories we usually interpret when we break up. (Total 677 LikeCoins)
  3. [Tragedy category] @鳥 Pen Wide Noodles  01810 I want to turn everything into thoughts after being destroyed and reborn
    ※ Xiong Tai's words: Each number contains interesting associations, and the story is also very complete and interesting. (Total 677 LikeCoins)
  4. [Tragedy] @天吳[ Community Activities | Making up stories with numbers (2)] Life is so difficult [18796]
    ※ Xiong Tai's words: very good digital association. (Total 677 LikeCoins)
  5. 【Suspense】 @Joanna Pray for God(69310)|Make up stories with numbers
    ※ Xiong Tai's words: Another very good-looking novel, a bit realistic but also a bit fantasy, what is the next plot? Very much looking forward to it. (Total 677 LikeCoins)

Finally, Ben Xiong has organized all the articles, you are welcome to click here to quickly read all the works and the list of supporters.
In addition, Ben Xiong is studying to launch the next community activities to continue to promote digital reasoning, but there is no special idea for the time being. If you have special ideas or inspiration, please leave a message to tell Ben Bear!

Reading List for Numerical Reasoning and Deciphering Soul Fragments:

  1. 【Numerical Reasoning Teaching】Read examples and interpretation methods to learn new ways to find inspiration
  2. [Soul Case Study] It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't do it because I'm "broken".
  3. [Courage is your super power label] Being willing to start a journey of interpreting past life stories is already an expression of courage! Explain in detail the steps to interpret past lives
  4. [Courage is your super power label] Being willing to start a journey of interpreting past life stories is already an expression of courage (2)

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熊太先森|NFT 社群研究主修出版及印刷設計系,十年寫作經驗,曾入選 Mirror Spotlight,同時為 Penana 特約小說作者,將以人性、社群角度研究區塊鏈、Web3.0、NFT 等時事。合作、邀稿請電郵至。
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