The Space | Let's paint "Idle Little Seals" together


I'm sorry first, but I didn't know it was called "Idle Little Seals" before this "LINE Stickers Chat and Rafting" event. Sometimes I just think it's cute when I see the illustrations. Then there were some proud dolls in the Kaohsiung sea one after another, so I got to know more cute dolls from Taiwan and wondered if we could draw the sea surface of The Space together.

After I said this on the discussion channel, three people responded and participated. I expect the gathering will start on Friday night / Star Friends Saturday to decide how many / how to draw, if you are also interested, please go to the discussion channel of The Space Discord to play together!

The Space series

The Space | Teach you how to: Get $1,000 SPACE if your work is included in the museum

The Space | A crazy night, a thousand pixels in one night

The Space | Opensea Feature Items Feature, what have I drawn recently?
The Space | Discover a lot of cute animals and recent works
The Space | Baby Bear Appears
The Space | Support playback function, dynamic NFTs are included in The Space Museum to get double $SPACE

exchange currency
Osmosis Liquidity Mining | ParaSwap takes you from $SPACE back to Osmosis to connect to Cosmos

MetaMask | How to convert $SPACE to $MATIC?

Osmosis Liquidity Mining | Cross-chain from Frontier to Polygon to exchange Matic to play The Space

The Space | Airdrop is officially launched, Travellogger holders, Story Solitaire participants, and Metamask wallet logins can all receive

The third round of beta testing of The Space | If you want to live a good life, you must follow the big guys

The Space Beta Version Public Test: I'll Draw and Make Money!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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