[Three little rules for little lazy people to develop exercise habits] Exercise habits

JC (Jocelyn Chen)
Three little rules for little lazy people to develop exercise habits In fact, exercise may not always be the patent of hard-working people. Because no matter if you work hard or not, people will grow old and die, and they always need an opportunity to restart their lives. The world often becomes much more lovely, but in fact, it is not the world that has changed, but the effort that has caused the change.
It's morning in Achasan, Korea

In fact, sports may never have been the patent of industrious people.
Because no matter if you work hard or not, people will grow old and die, and they always need an opportunity to restart their lives.

Why did you start wanting to exercise?

"I want to be able to carry my luggage."

I have been a very thin person since middle school. Allergic rhinitis and poor coordination of my limbs made me never put myself in the category of the sports group. When I was studying, I could only say that I was playing with friends. Noisy, but I can't say that I like sports. Even when I was suggested to exercise by a friend, I thought it was okay to have a lower basal metabolic rate. Instead, it is environmentally friendly to live with less energy. XD

With this mentality, I know that my physical strength is poor, but I still feel that it is good to have enough physical strength anyway.

In fact, my life has always been full of health. I don’t eat fried food, I don’t like drinking hand shakes, I suddenly want to eat a snack, but there is no such thing at home. The only two things are exercise and going to bed early. Difficult to put into practice.

Or maybe, I actually never felt the need to exercise.

Later, when I was shocked for the first time, it was a trip abroad with friends. A group of us carried our luggage at the subway station, but we couldn’t find the elevator, so we had to carry our luggage down the stairs. But embarrassingly, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lift my suitcase.

As a result, a girl friend A helped me carry it down. I told her that it was really heavy, thinking that it might be troublesome for boys, and stopped her, but she just smiled at me cheerfully.
"Although I don't look strong, I'm actually full of strength!"

Then I looked at her and walked down the stairs with my luggage steady.

It was at that moment that I suddenly realized that my skinny self could not be responsible for myself.

She has always been lazy about her own health, but the details of her daily life finally show up. She clearly looks like a person like me, but she can do it without affecting others, and even help others, I quietly follow. Afterwards, she thanked her very gratefully.

It is also the first time I have made up my mind, I hope I can carry my suitcase in the future

I hope to be a person who is responsible for myself and a person who does not drag others down.

This is also the original intention of sports that I will tell others to this day.

Reinforcing events after the initial appearance

Later, when I returned to China, I was faced with the change of seasons. The whole weather was filled with dampness, and my nose was particularly allergic. Not only a runny nose, but even a stuffy nose. I felt laborious to inhale, and my head was cluttered. Daily life can only be described as "halo".

But after all, I have been dealing with allergies for several years. I just took my fate and brought a large bag of toilet paper. Day by day counted, but it seemed that the allergy did not intend to simply let me go, even if the most uncomfortable peak has passed, I My body was tired for more than a week, often in a drowsy state, and even became depressed. After all, after a whole day, the efficiency was low and it was annoying, and it was difficult to do everything.

That's when I suddenly remembered A, and I wanted to make some changes.

At that time, I had no concept of building muscle and losing fat. I just ran to the school gym in shorts and a T-shirt with a towel. I still remember the unfamiliar feeling of using the treadmill, and it was the first time I went to the gym myself. They all felt out of place, but I still ran regardless.

After 30 minutes of running, even my ears started ringing, my face flushed from panting, sweaty hair stuck to my face, I gasped for breath, and looked at my weak appearance in the mirror, but suddenly felt that there was something I was angry, but I even forgot that my nose returned to a smooth flow that had not appeared for a long time, as if everything just forced myself to really drive away the sickness that was entangled in my body.

From that day onwards, my luck seemed to have changed, my mind was clearer, and my mood was more open. It was unimaginable that everything went smoothly, just like the sky changed from a cloudless sky to the joy of looking at the sun at the beginning of the day.

But I know that it's not that the world has changed, but that I have worked hard to make a change.

So I decided to be a person with a habit of exercising.

How to develop the habit of exercise?

Although it is not yet mature, there are still some small experiences that can be shared on how to develop exercise habits.

So I divide it into the following points based on my own experience:

"Keep everything simple, pre-agreed, and track results."

Ignore too many complicated details. If you are a beginner in sports, you have also been a lazy person before. Before you give up, you can ask yourself to achieve these three simple mental methods!

  1. Keep it simple <br class="smart">Yes, keep it simple.
    It can be as simple as ten sit-ups or five minutes of cardio.

    In the very beginning, because of the influence of perfectionism, I like to get everything in place at the beginning of habit formation, which means that I expect to go to the gym for an hour at the beginning and then go home. But in fact, the body and mind are like a little child. If you don't have enough sugar, you will get angry.

    Therefore, the most painless habit development is to start from the way that you think is too easy to do.
    Research shows that the purpose of life is not to seek pleasure, but to avoid pain

    So if it is painful at the beginning, the body will definitely be awkward!
    You are already 100% who want to cultivate habits, so don't make it more difficult to cultivate habits by yourself!

  2. Prior agreement <br class="smart">This prior agreement represents an agreement with yourself.

    The day before, find a time with the least excuse to arrange exercise. The way of increasing the sense of ritual can often increase your value for exercise, and it is easier to urge yourself to do it in practice.

    It is better to find a time when you will not be disturbed, because it is easy for people to escape because of emergencies, and convince that today is not a good day to exercise. XD, many people who have successfully cultivated exercise habits like to exercise in the morning, because morning is our day. the time you can control the most.
    As I like to say, "If you schedule yourself to exercise at four o'clock in the afternoon, by that time you will be able to generate enough reasonable reasons to convince yourself not to exercise."

  3. Tracking Results <br class="smart">Highly recommend buying a body fat machine.

    As a simple way to track my body fat trend, I often don't know how to measure it myself.
    But it is recommended to have a body fat function. After all, if you only look at the number of weight, it is difficult to know whether you are on a good path to become lighter and heavier. Digitalizing your own progress will also make people more motivated!

About the impact of sports on me

In fact, the changes brought about by exercise are sometimes unbelievable to me. I often go to exercise when I feel that my life is in a mess. When running, sometimes I don’t think about anything, just feel the pleasure of sweating like rain. Sometimes I think about the difficulties and muddy I encountered, and sometimes I think about it, I will come up with the answer, and even think:

"If you are willing to take the initiative to exercise, what can't you overcome?"

Sometimes those troubles that can't be figured out are simplified in the process of exercise.

And when I overcome the inertia of life again and again, I seem to appreciate myself more.

There are many studies that confirm the good mood brought about by exercise. From my own experience, it may be a bit dramatic. It is probably like changing from a state of being unpleasant to everyone to a much more lovely and beautiful world.

But in fact, it is not the world that has changed, but the willingness to work hard to make the change.

And those who are willing to work hard will always be worth something good.

There are so many things I want to say about exercise, including how I will get up early to exercise in the future, and more about maintaining habits, even until I start to like mountain climbing, but the most important thing is the above three points, the rest are just icing on the cake.

This article just wants to share my experience after my hard work,

And pull the things that feel far away from you a little closer.

Why don't we just make a move together this weekend!

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JC (Jocelyn Chen)現職台灣醫學生。 每個禮拜定時排放生活產物。 領域橫跨動畫、電影、小說、工具書、醫療小事。 即便時常掙扎,始終相信生活值得綻放。 所有人都值得擁有一片星空,值得了解美好,值得被美好了解。 🌹Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/dessert_food_jc/
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