"Mickey's Baking Time" Sweet Potato Pineapple Bread


In the previous stage of trying to let the baby eat non-staple food (purée),

In the process of making food slush bricks,

There will always be leftovers.

After all, you can't just buy a little bit,

But it would be a waste to eat all of them.

At this time, I can only try my best to consume it~


Sweet Potato Pineapple Bread was born!

In addition to consumable ingredients, it can also be used as breakfast,

It's just killing two birds with one stone (happy)

The first challenge to pineapple bread~success!

Serves about 9


"Pineapple Bread Bread Ingredients"

300 g high-gluten flour

Fresh milk 210 ml

Yeast 5 g

sugar 20 g

salt 4 g

Cream 40 g

《Pineapple Peel Ingredients for Pineapple Bread》

200 g low-gluten flour

sugar 100 g

1 egg

Cream 50 g

"Sweet potato paste filling material"

2 sweet potatoes

fresh cream 150 ml


"Sweet Potato Stuffing Practice"

1. Wash the sweet potato, peel it and cut it into pieces, put it in the electric pot, steam it and let it cool

2. Press the sweet potato into puree and mix it with fresh cream evenly for later use

"Pineapple Peel Practice"

1. After the cream is softened at room temperature, add sugar and stir until it turns white

2. Slowly add the eggs into the mix and mix well

3. Sieve the flour, add it in batches and mix well (please use a spatula to mix well)

4. Knead the dough evenly and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate and shape.

5. Take it out before use, cut it up, reshape it again, and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate for later use

"Bread Method"

1. Throw the rest of the ingredients into a blender, except for the cream, to form a dough

2. After forming a dough, add the cream and stir until it is light

3. Put it in the oven and set it to ferment at 30 degrees for 15 minutes and then continue to leave it for 45 minutes (the total fermentation time of the first stage is 60 minutes)

4. Divide the dough into about 80-85g/piece and roll into a ball for intermediate fermentation. The fermentation time is 20 minutes.

5. Unpack the bread stick and stuff it with sweet potato puree, then close the mouth and round it

6. Take the pineapple peel out of the refrigerator and cover it on the bread, and use a scraper to cut out lines

7. After the bread is processed, the final fermentation is carried out for 50-60 minutes

8. Brush the surface with egg yolk and test it at 200 degrees for 25 minutes before putting it in the oven


*Please adjust the baking time according to your own oven

*If using salted butter, the salt can be omitted

*Three lights are hand light, basin light and table light

*It is recommended to take out and turn over when the test is halfway through and add another layer of egg yolk at this time


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米粉故鄉麋粉奇現職為:職場媽媽,同時也是一個旅遊與料理的愛好者!自2019年升格為媽媽之後就開始了衝動購物,算是腦弱型的媽媽,一個不小心就手滑啦XDDDD 除了在此版外,目前同時也是『竹科媽媽,一起養小孩』的共筆媽媽,因此會有不少親子育兒相關文章會有重疊情形唷~
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