Mango Yogurt Melaleuca Pie (Thousand Layer Cake)

2021/06/27, the self-trying series is really enough to let go of myself, but I can't really take the recipe reference XD seriously. The reason for making these foods is that I want to eat them, but I don't want to go far to buy them, and I don't want to be called a panda, so I make them randomly to relieve stress

● Materials: +Review (probably nothing to review)
◎ Low-gluten flour for the cake skin (I make it casually, so the medium-gluten and low-gluten should be fine...), about 300g brown sugar, depending on the mood (not much better) (actually, many people add white sand, but I only have brown sugar)
Eggs, four salts, a teaspoon of oil, a teaspoon of (everyone add cream, I don't have any and don't want to add cream, so I use salad oil)
Soy milk, about 200ml (everyone add milk, I only have soy milk, so add it!)
Water, about 200ml (the point is to make the overall batter thin, it will be easier to fry the dough later, I just made it too thin this time)
◎ Stuffing (the cake should be fried and used)
Yogurt (I use the most repelled ㄉ brand, sugar-free) I used more than half the amount of Jinhuang mango, one

● Production method (process)
1. After mixing the batter ingredients, cover with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator for one night or 2 hours (in order to let the gas in the batter come out and let the gluten relax and not be too chewy)
2. Heat the pan. If you use a non-stick pan, I don’t think it’s okay if you don’t add oil. The size of each piece should be controlled as large as possible.
3. Spoon a spoonful of batter into the pan, quickly spread the batter with the bottom of the spoon or lift the pan to spread the batter! Must be fast, must be thin enough, the thinner the better!!!!!!! So the batter must be fluid
4. Repeat* 15 times (you can prepare the filling at the same time)
5. For the topping I think it was a big mistake that I used regular yogurt this time, because it was too thin!!!!! Then I should buy Greek yogurt or add a thickening spread such as cheese spread!!! !!
6. Assemble Use the thickest dough as the base, spread the sauce next, put the mango (sliced, thin), then put a layer of skin, continue to stack, many people on the Internet say to put the filling in the middle, I think it's good to pay attention to paving.
7. Done!!! If there is a trimmed edge, you can repair it.
8. Later, because I wanted to make it solid, I threw it into the freezer. (As a result, I used the message below.)

● It took me a lot of time, I spent about 1hr from start to finish (excluding the batter making the day before), and I finished watching the two heroes in my English movie version. I was attacked by an army of ants during assembly. I can’t help it, who How sweet is mango?
This time, the crust is still a little too thick (about 0.2cm), and it has to be thinner next time.


Just finished looking down
Side view, BTW this is super easy to cut, it is very comfortable to cut
Ugly from the side XD
The batter before frying after ice is a little oily, I think it is very beautiful, this photo is actually meaningless


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