243. Beware of being confused with a sentence



This sentence keeps reminding me when I'm hiding in my comfort zone. It's time to go outside. I didn't think I would start writing, and I didn't think I would manage money. These short words Made me slash up before I knew it, the comfort zone is comfortable, yes, but sometimes you get lost on the couch by accident.

Do you have a similar warning?

This helps us keep our hands up and fight, the wolf won't tell you he's coming, you have to be ready at all times so you can remind yourself when you're lost:

1. In this life, what do you want to leave behind?

2. What are your core values?

3. Have you ever thought about the meaning of your life?

If you haven't thought about these problems, please start with a motto or an object to follow. Believe me, the road will be smoother and smoother.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

良藥苦口藥師X寫手X投資人 我的文章名符其實,可能會讓你覺得不舒服,就像吃藥完的苦澀。 [💊藥師🖋寫作者💵投資者] [健康X自我成長X投資心法] 線上免費用藥諮詢服務上架囉~ Line ID:@pharmwithu 預約線上用藥諮詢:https://reurl.cc/NANxjm logicpharm.org
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