Talking about the origin of H2 Performance Lab


I recently watched Soul produced by Pixar, and I was deeply touched. I found that I have written more than a dozen articles, but none of them shared the reasons for establishing H2 Performance Lab. So today, aside from sports and rehabilitation information, let's talk about the origin of this blog.

Looking back on high school and college, nothing has brought me greater joy than basketball. Just the feeling of the ball touching your fingertips, and the sound of the shoes rubbing against the asphalt ground, is enough to cause an unbearable throbbing. I'm not a natural athletic person. I was inferior to my peers at the time in terms of running, jumping, and body shape. All I could do was make up for my diligence and pursue my talents with hard work. I was only 16 years old at the time, and without any knowledge of sports science, I could only open Youtube, constantly search for training videos of NBA players, and then learn and imitate the movements piecemeal, adding all the movements to the training schedule in one go. Leaving aside regular basketball training, my training was weight training seven days a week, full body training every day, and then every set to failure for 3-4 months. It is conceivable that with this unfounded amount of training, injury is only a matter of time, and this is precisely the hidden danger of my waist injury.

I clearly remember that on the same day I went to the gym for training as usual, I suddenly lost strength in my feet when I was in the escalator, and I sat limply sitting between the steps, followed by an uncomfortable feeling of numbness and burning, and severe pain in my waist. spasms. After nearly half an hour of resting nearby, I struggled to get up and walk home. I didn't even dare to mention the injury to my parents, so I secretly took some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. But at that time, the condition was quite serious, and after a few days the situation did not improve, he could only obediently confess to them, and of course, he had to be scolded.

In the following year, I "visited" a total of six professionals, ranging from orthopedic surgeons, to physical therapists, to traditional Chinese medicine, to tuina massage. Play basketball again," and even said with a threatening meaning, "If you play basketball again, you will start to use a wheelchair at the age of 60." Can you imagine the impact these words have on a 16-year-old? At that time, I only had basketball in my life, and all I thought about every day was how to win the championship of the academic league, in exchange for such news. However, at that time, I followed the advice of the "professional" and had no choice at all. As expected, I missed all the competitions and academy opportunities that followed, and it was only after two years that I slowly started getting back into basketball, but it was too late. A lot of times, I always assume that if I had more extensive knowledge of exercise science at the time, would the results be different? What's more, when looking back at the professional advice and the year-long rehabilitation process, I can't agree more with the treatments they adopted. To put it bluntly, there are various methods that treat the symptoms but not the root cause, lack scientific evidence and results, and are only beneficial to their bank balances.

Whenever I recall this experience, there is always a sense of powerlessness that comes to my mind. No one can go back and change anything, but if I can provide correct training and rehabilitation information through a platform, maybe I can save patients from false information and seek the best way to deal with their condition; maybe It can help the majority of sports enthusiasts avoid injury and continue their favorite activities; maybe avoid the appearance of the next teenager who cannot continue their favorite sports because of injury.

That's the only reason to build H2 Performance Lab.

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H2PerformanceLabHenry Hung, MS, DPT candidate, CSCS, FRC 物理治療系學生/運動傷害患者 教練/運動員 運動與復康本為同源,希望透過分享運動科學和復康知識,提高大眾認知 逢星期三 – 復康 逢星期六 – 運動科學
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