[Central Saint Martin's 12 required courses] Reading Experience-(Part 2)

In this article, I will share the five Key Takeaways I learned after reading the book "12 Required Courses at Central Saint Martins".

Key Takeaways

 . creative context. Find out where you are. Dare to try. Take a moment to review. open mind

creative context

Before creating, think about how to create, rather than start blindly. First clarify the theme of the creation, the way of expression, and how you hope viewers will appreciate the work, and then start to plan the way of creation and set the outcome of the creation. The book recommends that when finding themes, it is best to draw from familiar things. This way, you can ensure that the work is original, and that the ideas and emotions that are generated are first-hand. If it is second-hand, thoughts and emotions will be based on others. In such a situation, it is likely that the creator will be misled by absorbing misinformation. Familiarize yourself with and pay attention to the people, things, and things around you, plus contact and communicate with others and new things more, you can increase your horizons, and you can store these discoveries in your own treasure house of inspiration, so that when you need it in the future, you can be the source of creativity.

After the theme is set, there are still many details in the creative process that must be considered and clarified. The execution point and process of these details must conform to the creative theme. For example, for a work with the theme of "sustainability", he is selecting materials In this detail, it is necessary to avoid the use of materials that are not environmentally friendly, but it is better to use environmentally friendly materials. In addition, it is also necessary to analyze the steps in the creation process, and how helpful and substantive these steps are to conveying the theme. The above thinking and context are all the creators must consider. A piece of art is definitely not just asking for the finished product to be beautiful, but ignoring the process and details, and having good thinking and context are the basis for highlighting the theme of the work and strengthening the presentation of the work.

find out

At the beginning of entry into the Foundation Year at Central Saint Martins, students will receive a "comprehensive medical certificate" from the school that gives them creative advice. However, before getting this medical certificate, students must complete 12 topics assigned by the school. Before implementing the topic, they are required to fully understand the purpose and focus of the topic. Identify, explain and make decisions, and integrate them into a diagnostic certificate to help them find the creative direction they are interested in and suitable for. Individuals also believe that they can find their suitable and talented fields, and develop in this field. Under the circumstances of spending the same experience, they will have the opportunity to grow more than other fields that are not suitable. Of course, the premise is that you want to like this field, so that you have the motivation to work hard for a long time, and finally you can achieve the moment of harvest.

In addition, the book also mentions: Positioning is not something that cannot be changed for a long time. After gaining more life experience and in different time and space backgrounds, personal mentality, thoughts and feelings may change. At that time, what you want and personal advantages There will also be changes, so this course provides a method of self-understanding, allowing creators to explore themselves in depth at every moment and help them locate themselves in each period.

dare to try

Ask students to realize that any attempt may fail, but without trying, it will never be possible to discover a better way of thinking or presenting. Don't see failure as a loss, and think that all the experiences you have invested in the past are wasted. Instead, thank failure for letting you realize that one way is not feasible, and after that, it inspires you to think about other possible ways. power. Don’t dare to step out of your comfort zone because you are afraid of failure, stay complacent under the same environment and thinking, and have the courage to try and challenge yourself to be more and more different.

In addition, the book also mentions: Sometimes, failure may not be entirely caused by personal factors, environment, timing, etc. may be the cause of failure, so it is very important to understand the reasons for failure. If the failure result is not caused by personal operation or thinking logic error, then at this time, the creator must find out what external factors caused the problem and when, clarify and improve them. After trying again, maybe the creator can get satisfactory results.

Take a moment to review

Self-examination can help you understand what has been the key to your past decision-making and planning processes, and how you have handled these critical moments in the past. Which of these processing methods can help you get the results you want, and which ones are contrary to your expectations, and how can these unsatisfactory processing methods be improved or enhanced. In addition, self-examination is also considered to be a way to help you clarify your thoughts. Conducting self-examination can help the subsequent creation to be more fluid and relevant to the theme.

The book recommends that creators conduct a review when each stage of creation has roughly come to an end, rather than a major review after the creation is complete. Because even if you know the problems in the whole creation, it will be difficult to clarify which link the problem starts from, and it will be impossible to know which problems are the main problems, and other problems are only derived from the influence of this problem. In addition, reviewing in the middle can help creators understand what to focus on next, help creators stay on the right track, and thus speed up the efficiency of the follow-up process.

open mind

Design and art are inseparable from people and society. However, people and society are changing every minute and every second. Therefore, the book recommends that creators should spend more time in contact with unfamiliar people, things, and things, and interact more with them. Talk to others to absorb more fresh ideas and understand the current changes and environment, and to avoid yourself falling into repeated myths. It is also mentioned in the book: "Design is a social process and can produce social results", which shows that in the creative process, it is very important to communicate and discuss with others. And an open mind is the cornerstone to lead creators out of closed spaces and embrace more new things and ideas.

The book also suggests that creators can develop their own mindset by collaborating with others. When working with him, you can recognize and learn the knowledge and experience of others, and you can also learn more about your strengths from your position in the group in the process of communication. Everyone will be different in decision-making and implementation of everything. When working together, everyone can exchange ideas with each other. During this time, you may be able to hear some unexpected ideas that brighten your eyes. Or practice, and exclaimed after listening: "Wow! It turns out that you can do this!".


The next reading experience will be: ZARA's chief consultant will teach you - follow the global fashion hegemony and start a business!

For the first two weeks, I have been busy exchanging the final report of the fifth semester of the school. I have to write two small papers. I am really busy, so I am a little lazy in the creation of the Matters platform. Finished, please forgive me. In addition, I would like to share with you the frequency of my posting: Basically, I publish one every week. Unless I am really busy, I will publish it a week earlier or later, and it is unlikely to shorten the output (to avoid being too lazy. ). Although I have thought about increasing output, I really have more than enough energy, because when I write every article (excluding reading experience!), I will refer to papers or professional books, which is really exhausting, because I don’t want to reduce it. The quality of the article can't take more time, but I still very much hope that my article can be helpful to the poison. At this stage, the popularity of the article is not very high, but I still see many readers who have encouraged me. Thank you very much for reading and encouraging me.


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PY_HSU不定期跟新時尚觀點與讀書心得:) 目前是大學生,因為想申請商業時尚碩士,踏入時尚產業研究,希望能將自己的研究成果與有興趣的人分享。歡迎大家多與我交流!
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