"Matt City Video Gallery" Special Award Announcement: It turns out that Matt City also has citizens with the potential of audio description


Audio description is an important auxiliary service to help visually impaired people understand video works such as photographs, drawings, movies, etc. By describing the images objectively through text or oral narration, the visually impaired will have a better understanding of the video works and improve their ability and desire to appreciate the video works.

In this video gallery event, I discovered two authors with potential in this area. Originally, I expected to invest 1,000 likes as a special prize for this event, to reward works that can help visually impaired people understand their visual art creations through text. However, two such works were discovered later, so the two authors split the 1,000 likes equally into 500 likes each. The special award was distributed to the two winning authors last night. The winning entries are now announced.

The first one is " Matt City Vision Gallery - Days in Canada" by @cat slaves to discuss . An excerpt from one of the texts describing the photo of the Three Sisters:

"This is a photo taken at the lakeside, the image ratio is 4:3, a whole green coniferous forest is in the center of the picture, the picture is divided into upper and lower parts, the upper left half is the protagonist of this photo" "Three Sisters Peak", the peaks are covered with white snow, there is a green hill covered by coniferous forest on the right half, in the lower half of the picture is a clear lake reflecting the blue sky and the Three Sisters, in the lake There was a brown dead tree lying there on the lower right. "

This text clearly describes the content of the scene in the picture: there are mountains, white snow, lakes, coniferous forests, and a dead tree on the ground. And the location of each scene is also explained very clearly. Through the text introduction, the visually impaired who could not see the photo can not only understand the scene in the photo, but also feel the photographer's mind through the composition.

The second award-winning work is " Matt City Vision Gallery - Keke Gaigele " by @Circle Circle Circle . This is the handicraft work of carving seals, but through the text introduction, visually impaired people can also understand what kind of delicate patterns a small seal can make:

"2017.12.24_Merry Christmas 01

Small description of the work: A round frame is built with some Christmas elements such as strawberries, Christmas trees, leaves and candy canes, and the pink figure in the middle is my own "Egg Superman"

Congratulations to the two winners, with your descriptions, visually impaired people can enjoy visual art creations together with ordinary people. With the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in more and more countries and regions, it will become a trend in more and more societies to promote people with disabilities to pursue their own lives without barriers, including appreciating art and participating in art creation. In the days to come, it may become a permanent service for various media and websites. So this skill may become your livelihood tool.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

陶樂思社工系學士。現職行政人員。業餘寫作。喜愛自學。寫作領域涵蓋觀點、社會科學、歷史知識、寓言短篇等。Github: https://github.com/Dorothy1984
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