20220517 Blood and Sand

Make a cup of classic blood and sand
Walk with Green Mark John

This time, I used Solvay as a base, and last time I used rum. Lowered the ratio of orange juice, blood of Morakot, and vermouth, and every time I pulled these three ingredients higher. Lower them in proportion, and that's what a typical bar would provide. Today, when drinking this classic blood and sand, it is also served with leek dumplings (dipped in pepper sauce), with unique flavors that add to each other!

Life would be so boring without bartending. Ten days of home isolation and seven days of self-health management ended yesterday, and I finally returned to normal life. Having said that, unless your body is abnormal, being locked at home will not hinder bartending and drinking at all. This is the advantage of having bartending materials. However, now that he has recovered and unblocked, it is time to run the bar.


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