In those years, we were "hooked" or "played as a hooligan"



This one is also an old work from 2019. "Say hooligans, who are hooligans? "Second in the series.

The original text was first published on my WeChat public account: Grapefruit Fan Wei's story and ScienceNet blog:

Analysis of "hooligan" cases that may be encountered in life

The first thing to note is that the hooliganism I mentioned here refers to behavior within the scope of social morality, not criminal behavior in the sense of criminal law.

This is the "hooliganism" that ordinary people often encounter.

case analysis:

Assumption: On February 14, 2019, a "confession" incident was taking place in the subway car.

Discussion 1: If it ends like this:

Of course it was a big reunion, and there was no hooliganism.

Discussion 2: If the two go beyond that, but develop into any of the following situations:

According to our previous definition of hooliganism, this couple is starting to play hooligan to all the onlookers!

Discussion 3: If one of the parties (assumed to be the woman) is unwilling to accept the confession, turns and leaves without being stopped:

Although it is a sad ending, there is no hooliganism.

Discussion 4: If the man starts to pester the woman repeatedly and unreasonably after being rejected:

Then the man is playing hooligan to the woman!

Discussion 5: If the man is rejected, the onlookers start to block the woman from leaving, and coax the woman to accept the confession:

It was all the people who participated in the blocking and the cacophony who started playing hooligans to the woman!

From this case study, it can be seen that:

  1. Rogue behavior is varied, it can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or even many-to-many;
  2. hooliganism is not necessarily pre-planned, and often happens instantly;
  3. Playing hooligans is not necessarily related to one's own vital interests, such as the onlookers in discussion 5.

It can be seen from this that everyone may become a part of hooliganism consciously or unconsciously in life.

The real case of "hooliganism" I have experienced

The first case happened just two days ago.

In 2019, Chengdu stopped using medical insurance cards and needed to replace them with social insurance cards.

The day before yesterday, my wife's social security card was completed, and I went to XX Construction Bank to get it.

The social security card has both social security functions and bank financial functions, and can be bound to bank cards, Alipay and WeChat. The staff took my wife's mobile phone and said to help her operate it.

As a result, you can't guess at all: without any notification, the staff posted a round of CCB advertisements on my wife's WeChat Moments.

Do you think there are other more appropriate words to describe this kind of behavior besides "playing hooligans"?

The second case happened when I was working in a company in my early years.

At that time, my part-time job was the chairman of the laboratory labor union.

Once, the factory union asked to organize a fundraising for the family of a retired employee who had a malignant tumor.

I schedule the fundraiser for the weekly production meeting in the workshop.

After introducing the situation and mobilizing, I immediately put forward a request: it is recommended that each person donate at least 20 yuan; otherwise, simply don't participate in the donation.

Of course, I was the first to donate 200 yuan. Afterwards, everyone donated money, and there was indeed no less than 20 yuan.

At the time, I didn't think I had any problems at all. I even thought that I was doing a very noble job and that the task was done beautifully. In fact, thinking about it now, I played a hooligan to everyone in the workshop at that time. why?

  • Subjectively and objectively not respecting the wishes of others regarding donations;
  • Enforce minimum thresholds and be the first to donate with a clear amount.

My personal experience tells me that anyone can be a hooligan! Regardless of motive, such as character.

Stay away from "playing hooligans" and start by learning to respect others

For ordinary people, it is easier not to be a scumbag. As long as it has the spirit of the contract, at least abiding by the legally binding agreement is probably enough.

If you want to not become a liar, you should start from self-cultivation, maintain your integrity, stop your actions, and keep your promises, and you should be able to do it.

To avoid hooliganism, whether intentional or unintentional, start by learning to respect the wishes of others.

This is often difficult for the Chinese to do.

People often say: Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself. Do this, will you? Is it enough?

I'm afraid it's not enough. What we often ignore is the hooliganism of "doing what we want to others" . For example, as I have done myself.

Our own noble intentions or motives are often the beginning of our disrespect for others.

The key to avoiding hooliganism is to respect other people's unique values and code of conduct, rather than to presume someone else's position; the second is to try to keep one's behavior within the scope of public order and good morals without determining the position of others.

According to the standard defined above, the probability that a person will not have a hooliganism once in his life is actually not high. Fortunately, defining a person as a hooligan is not just by looking at one behavior, but by whether the person is "hooligan".

So what do we do when we encounter hooliganism or hooliganism in the true sense of the word?

When I meet a rogue, I'm not afraid, not afraid...

The first way is to "recognize counsel" , to escape or to give peace to others, which can also be called "to kill".

For example, after the "counter-killing" of Brother Long in Kunshan, I don't know how many people who have been violated by Brother Long's hooliganism cheered each other or secretly rejoiced in their hearts: they already knew that he would have retribution! Who has God ever forgiven? It's not that you don't report it, the time has not come!

There is often only a thin line between hooliganism itself and crime, and constant success will only fuel the arrogance of the hooligans, and ultimately end in crime.

From this point of view, the method passed down by the ancestors to deal with the wicked is also valid.

Well, well, it's very Chinese.

The second, of course, is face-to-face "hardness" . Just like the strong man in the Kunshan Longge case:

The risk is great, but it should also be the most proud thing in his life.

It is no exaggeration to say that his contribution to the construction of China's legal system and the education of civic thought is far greater than that of most famous experts and scholars.

Personal choices vary from person to person.

For example, in the case of CCB staff playing hooligans we experienced, we did not hesitate to report them with their real names as soon as possible. Because they're only hooliganism occasionally, it's best to nip this in the bud and not let it turn into regular hooliganism for everyone.


As for my personal experience, I also checked:

It turned out that Rice’s email once clearly informed me that it may take 3-4 months if the materials are complete.

I'm speechless, at least for now, aside from continuing to wait.

In addition, will there be hooliganism between countries? Does the state play hooligans to individuals? This is another interesting topic.

I haven't figured it out yet. Maybe one day, when I have a new understanding, I will write a sequel.


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