Medium article data and earnings report for July 2022

Earning income through writing on the Medium platform is not only valuable for creation, but also for rewards other than money
Screenshot & Design by Jhane Chou
✹ If there is no accident, keep the monthly update, this series of articles is to record the data of Medium ✹ Although I have two published Medium , but this series mainly records the data of the design column

The data of the article of the month

Excluding the monthly article data report and e-newsletter, there are 04 articles in this month.

This month's latest situation can be seen: Exposure Deer Design Column - You will eventually become, the person you are becoming

The following is the introduction of this month and the recommended articles.

Photo Credit: Sandro Kradolfer on Unsplash

Health records and inspection process in the first half of 2022

Share the physical changes that started in March this year, from the initial dizziness to the subsequent illness, the recovery is extremely slow, and the body is very wrong, so I adjust my life and find the reasons.

"What's wrong with me?", "What happened?", "Why is this happening?", "I feel uncomfortable, but I don't know why." All kinds of questions and worries sprouted in my heart.

Some people will panic because of this, while others think that these are minor problems. In any case, as long as any discomfort or changes are detected, they should be observed as soon as possible, or even have relevant inspections, and actively face them. The smaller the problem, The greater the chance of success.

Everyone says that health is very important, but in fact, do we really value health so much? Always wait until there is a problem before realizing how important your health is.

Overwork, chronic food allergies, autonomic disorders, an inflamed immune system, they affect each other, and the symptoms are linked and spread all over the body, and the health and psychology will be affected .

Just as I feel, I feel that my body is not right and uncomfortable, but there is no problem in general outpatient clinics and preliminary examinations, unless further corresponding examinations are carried out. I also don't want to wait until it develops into serious symptoms to find out what the problem is.

 Allergies are inflammations of the immune system overreacting to harmless substances.

Regarding the part of allergen detection, there are two polarities, and the reasons are not described here. I prefer to be able to deal with it in a more natural, daily way, not immediately into the course of medication, so I can try all the methods I can.


Design by Jhane Chou

How to Make a Resume / CV Resume and Create Your Own Personal Brand

Applicable to fresh graduates looking for a job in the graduation season ~ Instructions for resumes, how to prepare resume content, and finally some suggestions on layout design to create a high-quality resume.

Have you come to the peak of job hunting recently, do you have many questions about resume production? The resume is not about creating a very powerful appearance, but focusing on " knowing yourself and marketing yourself " and then letting the other party know you, giving the other party what they want to know, and creating an opportunity for an interview.

In addition to many convenient and ready-made resume layouts and resume templates, the job search and matching platforms have complete functions for online resume production, which improves the efficiency of resume production. Many newcomers will focus on making a beautiful resume, but ignore the most important thing in the resume is the content.

In this article, you will share the relevant instructions for your resume, prepare the resume content for the key points, and finally give some suggestions on layout design, make a high-level resume, and build your personal brand.

Resume / CV

Resume and CV are both translated into CV, but they will be different depending on the context of use. I will distinguish between "Resume ─ CV" and "CV ─ CV". Most job seekers in Taiwan charge Resume, and they are almost called "CV". More detailed distinctions may take different forms by country, nature (job search, academic research, scholarship, etc.).


Design by Jhane Chou

LINE Original Themes|Unarchived── Rainy Day

The frequent afternoon thunderstorms brought a touch of coolness to the hot days.

The theme of this series focuses on the slightly delicate illustrations of "Soft Tones✹ Sweet Memories". I also often use the theme of this series because it is the most comfortable to read and the mood is very healing!

Compared with rainy days, I prefer sunny days after rain, the smell of the mixture of humidity and sunshine, with a subtle and relaxed mood, and if you are lucky, you can even see a rainbow.

The two cats waited for the rain to stop together. Even though it was raining outside, there was a sunny day in their hearts.


Design by Jhane Chou

LINE Original Themes|Lilac── Cat Dance

Cats invite you to dance with them, the mix of pink, purple and light yellow 💜💛

The theme of this series is mainly pink and purple, with a little light yellow as an embellishment. The content continues the undocumented cat illustrations, which belong to a specially developed color theme!

Feeling lethargic, stressed out and need to add energy to your life?

Dance with the cats in a happy mood and forget about your troubles~

May you be happy and not worry about the disturbance of things. If you can't escape, forget it for a while and spend your own little time lazily.


Design by Jhane Chou

Design Fundamentals: Color Sensation

The conventional color cognition is determined by most people's feelings about color.


Design by Jhane Chou

Privately created color scheme

Color matching can convey emotions, give psychological hints, and create different atmospheres.

Everyone has different opinions on color, but color has a context to follow; color matching also represents the person's color style and mastery of color.

It was mentioned in " On the Principle of Color ": If sketching is the basis of painting, then the principle of color is the basis of color matching. Although we emphasize that understanding color is helpful for color matching, when we pay too much attention to theory, it will limit many possibilities.


Design by Jhane Chou

A good guide to typography

Make good use of easy-to-read typography guidelines to increase users' willingness to continue reading.

The previous article " How to Create Visual Hierarchies " mentioned:

In addition to making the visual arrangement of the picture exquisite and beautiful, the more important function of the visual hierarchy is to allow the picture to be organized effectively and make it easier for the viewer to understand. The visual level is not limited to graphic design, it is an important core in user experience and interface.

And this article is the use of visual hierarchy in typography.

The main focus will be on easy reading, which is similar to visual typography, but slightly different; any ideas mentioned in this article come from experience or past learning, and should not be regarded as a standard, but an understanding and experience.


The rest of the article recommendations will be sent out by e-newsletter . Medium is still my main platform for posting articles; if you want to know more about who I am, the areas I cover, and the categories of articles, I suggest you watch this article .

Total income for the month

There are three stages in sequence:

  1. Medium background calculation: $32.28
  2. This month's referral link profit: $4.54
  3. Thank you for becoming a paid member through the referral link and let me get a share!
  4. Transfer to Stripe after tax: $25.77 (-30%)
  5. Stripe to Payoneer: $25.77

If I withdraw money from Payoneer , another fee will be deducted~

daily browse
  • At present, when there is no post on the day, the average daily view is 400 up and down.

List of all articles

The last thought

Several articles related to income were published this month, which brought Wei Wei's traffic.

Other thoughts will be shared with this month 's newsletter .

The article was first published on Medium , and the version I'm currently reading is the synchronous version.

Thank you for your reading and support, any questions are welcome to communicate with us|



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