"Ex-boyfriend's suicide note" I have never seen such a request in my life

Unpacking a large gift box with layers of packaging (really many layers), the knots tied are not difficult to make, and they fall off with a light touch.

Author: Xin Chuan Fanli Translator: Zhan Muru Illustrator: Dandi Yoko Publisher: Spring Publishing House

Ex-boyfriend's suicide note

What a coincidence! Recently I have read several works with the theme of "lawyer": flipping (established impression) the conventional "Very Lawyer Yu Yingzhen", whether it is profit or "The Algorithm of Justice", and today's article " Ex-Boyfriend " The suicide note , which is a mystery novel.

"I will give all my property to the prisoner who killed me."

What? I've never seen a request like this in my life . With such a " curious " plot setting, a "prisoner audition meeting" was even held. It really makes one's eyes bright, eyes wide, turning pages like garlic, in just a few hours, followed by lawyer Jian Chi, the heroine, to find out the facts of the case...

It just so happens that the author is a lawyer by profession, so his description of the series of follow-up interviews in the book is naturally smooth and convincing. But maybe that's also because of this - the constant follow-up and follow -up - gives me the feeling that as long as I click and punch the card, the clues are like gophers in the machine, one after another "obediently popping up".

There is a little more truth in the follow-up, and a little less reasoning, but full marks for cleverness ; I am unpacking a large gift box that is packed in layers (really many layers), and the knots tied are not difficult, light and easy. It falls off with a single touch.

"Your love for me is only at the level of the social average? I don't think I have only the social average. If the average is 400,000 yen, then what I want is a 1.2 million yen ring."

Another shocking opening is probably the heroine's "distinct" personality.

The author contemplates such an unpleasant character as lawyer Jian Chi so vividly; with a unique female inner (first-person perspective) monologue, he also leads readers to witness her mood changes, realism and ideals in the story. The confrontation, entanglement and running-in of ideology .

With reasoning, clever tricks, and character growth, it is very suitable for being cooked into a Japanese drama.

Trailer of "Ex-Boyfriend's Will" in Traditional Chinese Subtitles

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