[Experience] Hypnosis voyeur

Little thoughts on taking hypnosis classes in the past two weeks

I took a hypnosis class in the past two weeks. It was very solid and exciting. In fact, hypnosis is completely different from what you and I imagined. Hypnosis is actually the transformation of ideology. In our life, we are constantly changing ideology. Waking, sleeping, and dreaming are actually different ideologies, but we are constantly changing every day without realizing it, so In fact, hypnosis has been continuously carried out around our lives for a long time, but do you have enough awareness to perceive it?

Cognitives/emotions/behaviors are the results of a person's display, so are these consistent? How often do we recognize what we should do but actually do the opposite? Are you aware that you don't actually want to do it? I often hear people say that their speech is too upright, isn't that a sign of inconsistency between cognition and behavior?

Before taking the hypnosis class, I actually watched some hypnosis performances, and I also heard other people's hypnotic experiences. Some people had a confused taste, some people saw visions, etc., and they also wondered what it was like? (Everyone's feelings are different. Some people really saw something, some heard something, and some people didn't have anything. They just had a feeling and how to answer the question.) After the class, it turns out that hypnosis is also graded? The hypnosis sensitivity test is used to detect the level of hypnosis that can be entered, which are:

1. Small muscle control / 2. Large muscle control / 3. Digital handicap/4. Loss of touch/5. Positive hallucinations (seeing things that don't exist) / 6. Negative hallucinations (not seeing things that exist)

Through several tests, it can be detected which stage of hypnosis a case can enter. In this stage of practice, you will find that hypnosis is actually not difficult. Holding the guide words and reciting them will make the case enter a hypnotic state. Will the hypnotist know? Those who fail (private failure しないので, gate ですか?) will fail because they are unwilling to cooperate , self-imposed restrictions, and self-suggestion (hypnosis does not believe in hypnosis?) So hypnosis is just a case where the individual trusts the hypnotist In a scene performed together, we look for the knots that lead to the current situation and try to unravel them. The hypnosensitivity test is just a test of how much the client is willing to accompany the hypnotist to "open their eyes and talk nonsense". The deeper the level of hypnosis that the client can enter, the more means the hypnotist can use, and the easier it is to find the key. The key to good hypnotherapy lies in trust and guidance. All medical treatment is done by the client himself. What she did was just a packaged message thrown out from the case (the case said she wanted to lose weight, but in fact she wanted a strong physique has nothing to do with weight. The case wanted to get the wisdom of interpreting the astrolabe, but found it in the universe library The answer is patience. In fact, the client knows that he needs more time to practice, so what if he can't solve the knot quickly? To answer, in fact, the individual himself knows the answer and the point of the sign, but he is unwilling to admit it, unwilling to believe it, and unwilling to face it, so as to create a relatively comfortable behavior to avoid. Hypnotists use various methods to guide clients to clear their emotions and guide them to express the answers in their hearts. When the client is willing to speak out, he has actually taken a big step forward.

So if hypnosis is easy, why do you often hear people say hypnosis is useless? Even some people have more sequelae because of hypnosis? In fact, it is very easy to enter a hypnotic state (people are always in a hypnotic state, but the degree of hypnosis is different, and the ideology changes every day), but has the level of trust reached? Did you guide well? The dialogue between the hypnotist and the client is actually a process of passing and receiving the ball. Can the hypnotist properly catch the ball thrown by the client? Then throw the ball to the right place to guide the case to find the conclusion, (the case has already prepared the answer, and you can throw the answer when you ask the right question, but the hypnotist has been stumbling over the wall without asking the key point, the case is in his heart I don't know how many times I roll my eyes? Of course, some cases don't care. If you can't ask me, I will jump out and talk about it.) Whether the hypnotist can ask the right questions to guide the client to the core of the problem is the hypnotist's sensitivity and experience. , and also that the hypnotist must consciously pay attention to every word and sentence he speaks, and be very careful not to mislead, (relax the strength of the shoulders, relax the strength of the spine, relax the strength of the chest, the client will relax in the end Or is it always implied to have power?) As we often hear: "You misunderstood, I didn't mean that", just like "One China, each expressing" the same word, can there be various interpretations? (When I was practicing in the small room, my instruction to my classmates was: "After the hypnosis is over, we will go back to the classroom, but you wo n't find the door ." Entering the sixth level?", and then saw her open the door directly and go out. Sure enough, the matter is not as simple as the fool thinks. I wanted to say that I will wait until I go back to the classroom to help her solve it, but when I arrived at the door of the classroom, she asked me in a stunned classroom. Where is it? It turns out that she really entered the sixth level, but the door I thought was the door of the small room , but the order she received was the door of the classroom . Looking back on my order, I can actually interpret both interpretations, so I will Wouldn’t the client have the wrong suggestion unconsciously?) If it happened in the hypnotic state, would the client have been given the wrong suggestion? Even the hypnotist himself didn't notice it, because it was in the words that the hypnotist said unconsciously? (The client reported that his shoulders were stiff, but the hypnotist unconsciously used the word sore shoulders during the hypnosis process? Could it be that the client may no longer have stiff shoulders but planted the seeds of sore shoulders?)

So keep awareness all the time, and consciously pay attention to every word and sentence you want to say, whether it will cause different results and hints. Be sensitive and be aware of what's going on around you. When you suddenly find that someone suddenly doesn't speak , or suddenly has mood swings , it means you've touched the point , and guide him to speak the subtext . (You are the lottery winner, but you have to remember to bet, otherwise it will be an illusion)


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