4. Self-experience—spirit, energy, body, circulation, dynamic balance (2)

KUNG's【Summer Inn】Late Thousand Days Season 2 Episode 02

so called children...

  • "Flow of Heart" P.121
 Mimicry can make us feel that we are not just what we are in reality, through fantasy, pretending, or acting. The little girl playing with the doll and the little boy pretending to be a cowboy are also expanding their daily experience. At that moment, they are not their original selves, they become more capable, and at the same time they learn the difference between the roles of adult men and women in society .

  • "My Fantasy Friend"
 One day I will die too, that is the ultimate fate of fantasy friends.
If I can convince Max that I'm real, I'll be around longer.
But as a good friend, should I do this?

See the world from a child's perspective. Although small, it is far away, although it does not exist, it is forever

  • "Flow of Heart" P.183
 An authority on daydreaming and mental images, Yale University psychologist Singer pointed out that there are many children who have not learned the skills of daydreaming. When daydreaming, we can use our imagination to make up for the unpleasantness of the real world, and then Establish emotional order.
  • Ayako Sono "After Middle Age"
 "Children are an incredible existence. No matter good or bad, it will make your life richer and denser, with deeper joy and resentment. That is the gift brought by the existence of children..."

  • "Scientific Man" NO.134 P.57 The Evolution of Creativity

"Creativity isn't about how smart you are, it's about how well you relate to others."

We take other people's ideas every day, and then we make a little bit of improvement ourselves, and fix it again and again, until it turns into a very complex new idea.

Anthropologists call this the "cultural ratchet," and first and foremost, is the ability to pass knowledge from one person to another, or from one generation to another, until someone makes an improvement.

Experiment: Three puzzle boxes of increasing difficulty were tested on Texas chimpanzees, French capuchin monkeys, and children in British nurseries. After more than 30 hours, only one chimpanzee of 55 non-human primates reached the highest difficulty. However, the children will cooperate to solve problems, discuss with each other, encourage each other, and teach others. After 2.5 hours, 15 of the 35 children reached difficulty level three.

The first conditions of the cultural ratchet -- social skills and cognitive ability, and then group size.

"Like a virus, cultural creativity requires very specific social conditions to spread, most notably ... large groups of close-knit groups where individuals can 'infect' each other."

*Cultural ratchet : Humans have a different cultural transmission method (language, writing) from other species, and in the process of transmission, they are constantly transmitted, revised and improved. While self-replication and accumulation, they advance to a new level, just like a ratchet.

There is overwhelming evidence that humans do possess species-specific patterns of cultural transmission. The most important thing is that human's cultural transmission and skills, in a way that other animal species do not have - the so-called cumulative cultural evolution, accumulate various revisional results obtained over a long period of time. Basically, none of the most complex human skills or social experiences—including tool-making, symbolic communication, and social institutions—is invented instantaneously and once and for all by one person or group of people .

Rather, it is the complex result of a long process of transmission, preservation, and various revisions and improvements, and re-transmission, from generation to generation.

In this process, the "ratchet effect" has been continuously replicated, enabling the forward transmission and accumulation of human cultural achievements. "Cumulative cultural evolution thus accounts for most of human's memorable cognitive achievements. . . . Cumulative cultural evolution ensures that the ontogeny of human knowledge occurs in an environment of constantly new skills and social experience. Yes, it represents at all times something akin to the collective intelligence of an entire social group, and throughout its entire cultural history.

  • "Scientific Man" NO.187 The small theater in the mind

In the 1930s, the former Soviet Union psychologist Lev Semyonovich Vygosky proposed another explanation: children will deliberately use words that they have used before successfully interacting with others in social situations; children do not regulate other people's behavior, Instead, try to control yourself through familiar language . The findings of the following decades also supported Vygotsky's theory of how inner language develops and functions.

Vygotsky argues that adult silent speech is an internalized form of our childhood conversations with others. Nearly a century after Vygotsky wrote his many insights, it is only gradually beginning to clarify how inner language can help us understand the impact of language on thinking.

One of the most important implications of Vygotsky's theory is that the structure of inner language should be the same as that of explicit behavior, showing the nature of dialogue between different viewpoints. This notion of "thinking is a dialogue of the mind" is not new, at least Plato said it, but my focus is on control: how does an intelligent system generate new ideas and put into practice?

20-11-30 Ans: The person who is closest to the problem, suffers there and spends all day with it, lives with it, either avoids the troublesome problem or starts to solve it. While problems occur for many reasons, there are only those things that people can do.

  • "False Orphans: It's Not That They Don't Love Me, But I Just Can't Feel It"
 Do you feel...
◎I really want to get affirmation or praise from my parents.
◎Parents always don't understand you, no matter how hard you try, you can't communicate.
◎My parents are not close to me, they always stand far away.
◎My parents only cared about whether I had enough money or not, and never cared about my inner feelings.
◎Even if I achieve a high level of achievement, my parents will only throw cold water on me.
◎Why getting along with some family members is always frustrating and scarred.
◎At a critical moment, a voice will emerge from the bottom of my heart to deny myself.
◎I don't talk to my parents when I need support.
◎I need to pretend to be another person for my parents to like me.
◎I have everything, but why do I still feel lonely.

If you have the same situation, it may be a "pseudo-orphan"...

These parents look and behave in a normal way, they care about their children's health, provide food and clothing, and pay attention to their children's safety, but... it doesn't stop there.
"You've grown up, don't sleep with the doll anymore, throw it away!"
"I don't care how you feel, I just feed you."
"Don't think about it any more, you can only follow my arrangement, and you are not allowed to have any opinions."

These parents erected high walls in front of their children, blocking their way to seek intimacy.
When children cannot establish a solid spiritual interaction with their parents, children will not have a sense of security and self-confidence.
After reading this book, you will understand: why you cannot establish close interaction with your parents, why parents cannot give you the nutrients of love, and why you are always surrounded by the haze and negativity brought by your parents when it comes to major decisions in life.
You will see: why your parents don't always understand you and don't care enough about you, no matter how hard you try to communicate, you can't improve, and even if you try to build a relationship with your parents, you only hurt yourself.
You will find that growing up in such a family is a very lonely growth experience...

The nightmare hidden in the shadow of family affection:
●Parents demand the perfect spell: do everything the best, maybe my parents will praise me...
●Unspoken rules of parents' emotions: In order to appease my parents' emotions, I am always exhausted...
●Parents' emotional high wall: Without me, my parents don't care, my parents don't like my closeness...

The loneliness of childhood surrounds us, and even as we grow up, we can’t get rid of it, just in another form: depression, anxiety, chronic tension, stress, sleeplessness, and other out-of-control feelings torment us. These physical and mental symptoms act like an alarm system, reminding us that we must be honest about how we really feel—wanting to be loved—and that is where awakening begins.

Dr. Lindsay Gibson, a well-known American psychologist, has accumulated 20 years of counseling experience and shares real cases, so that we can see the pain caused by parents, untie the shackles of family affection, mend the emotional defects of generations, and refuse to copy The scars given by the previous generation...
  • "Flow of Heart" P.263
 However, in many cases, these moral norms will be regarded as a kind of external coercion. Under such external constraints, whether it is a husband, wife or children, they can only choose to hold back. Although the family in this situation is complete, it is full of undercurrents, full of conflict and resentment. Today, more and more families are disintegrating because the external reasons for maintaining marriage are gradually disappearing.

  • Wolf child: refers to a child who has been isolated from the world since a very young age, raised by wild animals, and does not understand human social behavior and language.

Language is a necessary ability as a means of exchange in the cultural ratchet. Whether the exchange is tangible or intangible, the social ability can only generate consensus and understand different cognitions when it sees differences and behaviors. At the beginning of learning a language system, the motivation to speak is often to make people understand what they want, and then to construct an expression that can be understood by others, thereby expanding the cognitive area in the brain that is common to others and has a consensus. Can develop into areas that can recognize common sense and basic social skills as they grow up.

A life that has lost its cultural admission ticket means that it has permanently lost the basic ability to adapt to human society, even if the sensory and physiological mechanisms still belong to human beings.


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