Meteor Language (1)


1 When a person says, "I like your smile" when your mood falls to the bottom, you can say: "Everyone in the customer service center is full of smiles~"

2 Forgive yourself before you forgive others.

To forgive yourself, you must first have God's forgiveness.

3 There are no inappropriate people, only inappropriate times.

4 Any relationship is a regular development of "injury, reconciliation, injury, reconciliation".

5 When you live your true self, it is when you meet friends. To please others and make compromises, not only can't make friends, but also lose yourself.

6Time is the most expensive thing, expensive enough to let go of all the grievances in the world.

7 Willfulness, asking for help, and upholding justice also cost costs. Those who really need help don’t even have the time and money to recuperate and ask for help, and they don’t have family resources to coordinate.

8 A lot of harm in the world is due to "protecting oneself".

9 The way you don't have to worry about someone threatening you with a secret is when the secret is no longer a secret.

10 Those who really need help are those who are dead and no one knows, not those who can still go to social workers, medical care, etc. for help.


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小信差香港特區政府展毅表現獎、東亞銀行展毅獎學金得獎人 (不定時更新)成長故事|信仰反思|影評|生活隨筆 沉一道氣,存一份愛,說一個故事。 Motto: 跑不了就走;走不了就爬;爬不了,那就滾過去。 To represent an idea. To represent a possibility. 聯繫
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