Whispering Poems | How gentle should one be with life


How gentle should you be with life?

Only know how to irrigate every scar with tears

Even if I hear the sad song from the lower class

Still hopeful for social policy reform

Still believe that human civilization can be more popular

Still not afraid to lead every soul tortured by poverty and disease

How gentle should you be with life?

I finally have the courage to face the desolation in my heart

Even in the face of scarcity, do not blindly pursue

There is no need to fill it up with material desires

Sensitive and fragile heart

Refined to Sharp and Tough

like the vast blue sky

Carrying and containing the universe, flowers, objects, plants and trees

Generous hands clasped in front of chest

Pick up the self-consciousness

Breathe out softly

Courtesy of Unsplash


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一枚小确幸雜志編輯 | 寫詞人 | 業餘畫畫尚未到家 | 二手書店店長 | 不安分的雙子座 | 愛貓不養貓 YT/FB/IG:一枚小確幸 A Little Bliss FB/IG:小如繪畫筆記 RuyunSketch
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讀後感:《如果這世界貓消失了》—— 川村元氣

電影觀後感 | 那時候,我只剩下勇氣
