My Matters Achievement List

Follow the trend to participate in the "My Achievement List" event~

Thank you @slothlife for the achievement list, and @Matty for organizing this achievement list event, and I will follow suit.

my achievement list

Go through the list item by item, and if you have it, you will not have it, so many items can be quickly and directly decided whether to cross them out. The only thing is that you don't know what a seed user is, so you leave it behind.

The above picture is made by Canva APP. It is a design tool and provides many design templates for users, which is very convenient. For a design novice like me, it is also easy to use, and it takes about 20 minutes by car to complete the above beautiful pictures (bragging) . In fact, it can be done faster. When I put a picture or draw a line, the perfectionist put on the upper body and spent a little more time trying to lengthen and shorten, move left and right, move up and down...

After a lot of work, the background, line, font, color, etc. that were finally selected are actually not much different from the original versions. Just like the content of the online discussion forum before, after the designer was shot dozens of design drafts, the boss finally chose the first draft.

Back to the achievement list, because there are some items that you don’t know or pay attention to, let’s assume that there are no items, so you don’t delete them. For example, the article is listed in the essence, the article is popular, it has been blocked by others, it is popular, etc.

I entered the Matters Discord yesterday Friday morning, and accidentally came across the live broadcast of the Gongxue. I opened it and listened to it. The speaker Erica's voice is very good. She introduced three kinds of DAOs.

Screenshot of Matters Academy

For me, virtual currency and DAO are topics in the new century. There are some resources on Matters, and there are also Matt citizens providing information. I have seen some of them, knowledge is growing, and it is an achievement unlock! However, obviously I need to learn more, digest it slowly, and keep working hard💪🏻

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