"Aether Raid" book report activity

A good book to understand the blockchain, invite you to write a book report and get LikeCoin

First of all, this is not a Matters event, but a #I said yes, #I have the final say, #I said yes, #I said even if it is an event series, which is entirely funded by me. Of course, I also welcome all citizens and LikeCoin validators to contribute to the bonus, because this book is really worth reading.

Why "Aether Raid"

Because the fan girl idol has written a promotion article

Restoring the development history of Ethereum, the research is serious, the writing is smooth, and the twists and turns are better than novels. ── Gao Reconstruction (LikeCoin and #decentralizehk founder, author of "Blockchain Sociology")

Of course, you can say why I don't engage in the book report activity of " Blockchain Sociology "? That's really not good. If you are too obsessed with your brain, you will be called a shoe polisher, so I recommend this book.

After reading this book, you can understand why Kin chose to engage in LikeCoin in Ethereum instead of other chains in the first place, and why he needs ETH to buy Matters NFT, and he will know more about the blockchain.

Lishen, this event does not charge the booksellers any benefits (if it is, it should be done as soon as the book is published, not now), but I also welcome the booksellers to send us a few books or give you other benefits if you see it ( Dreaming).


Any Matt City citizen who wrote an article in October 2021.

How to participate

  • This is an event that requires registration. Please leave a message to register on this thread before 23:59 Hong Kong time on November 24, 2021.
  • And post your "Aether Raid" book report before 23:59 Hong Kong time on December 1, 2021 to December 2, 2021, not less than 500 words excluding punctuation marks.
  • Please link this article and tag #ethersurgery and #ethersurgery book report (no need to add # when tagging).
  • Published book reports cannot be used for entry.
  • Readmoo users welcome to buy books with my AP http://moo.im/a/02IQUW

Bonus distribution

Originally, I planned to take out 5,000 LikeCoin, but now the LikeCoin creation fund has been reduced from 30K to 11K. I seem to be very slapped with LikeCoin, so I want to shrink it to 2,222 LikeCoin first, hoping that it will not cool down the enthusiasm of the participants. Depending on the number of participants, I will adjust it appropriately, or the same sentence, welcome good people to support the event bonus.

Settlement will take place after 12:00 on December 8, 2021, the formula is:

Bonus base = [clapping + (supporting numbers x 10)] x blockchain familiarity rate

The blockchain familiarity rate is divided into:

  • 100% blockchain novice, have not written any blockchain teaching articles (the feeling of the blockchain does not count)
  • 70% of the blockchain veterans have written several teaching articles (one does not count)
  • 50% of the blockchain is too old, with validator nodes

For example: Daisy's article has 50 claps, 3 supports. The bonus base is [ 50 + (3 x 10)] x 70% = 56

Bonuses will be distributed to participants in proportion to the bonus base.

2020-12-01 is the 0th phase of Ethereum 2.0
2019-12-08 is the Ethereum Istanbul upgrade


  • This is an event organized by myself and has nothing to do with LikeCoin and Matters official.
  • The moment you participate, you agree to the rules of the event and the distribution of bonuses.
  • If the participants forget to add tags, related articles, the title is incorrect or the number of words is insufficient, the organizer will try to communicate with each other when they see it, but this is only an obligation, not a responsibility. If you do not follow the rules after the event ends, you will still be disqualified from participating in the event.
  • Rules are rules, and there is no grace for any request or verbal abuse from anyone.
  • Do not accept plagiarism, do not maliciously defraud LikeCoin for the purpose.
  • Do not accept personal attacks or any malicious and unreasonable harassment of the community; do not accept to deface any Matt City citizen and tag him/her indiscriminately to make harassment to vent their dissatisfaction; do not accept behaviors that do not participate in activities but maliciously associate articles, violate Rulers will be disqualified, and consider public names to make accusations, please respect yourselves and do not lose your grace.
  • Any decision is final with the decision of myself and the funders.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Daisy「𣎴去糾正觀點不同的人,克制自己的反駁慾,是情商最高的行為」 自封 LikeCoin 後援會頭號會員及會長、高重建盲粉、元祖讚賞公民2019年1月1日加入。 所撰寫之內容不歡迎任何人以任何方式截圖分發,斷章取義,斥責不雅,敬請自重。除非 tag 我或關聯文章,否則不予回應。
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