The flowers are white with grayish blue, and the sky is completely blue.

Fan Series – ◎ Gray Blue and Cerulean Blue ◎ This series is different from the die-hard fan series. It writes about an interaction and a feeling.

I only know her as a cat.

※ On the day of 2021.12.02

Two cats appear in the article, Xiaobai and Xiaohua. I also have a cat, so I was naturally attracted to it, and I read it for 220 days. I believe that there should be more than 220 articles on the day I shared this article.

That day I said:

 Beautiful little flowers and little whites~~ Ours is the black cat princess~ You can’t tan them, because they will get darker if you tan them any more, haha!

Gray Blue’s reply:

 It’s a black cat! Legend has it that it is not easy to take pictures of black cats. I would like to ask what real slaves think?

I really don’t know how to operate Matt City at that time:

 I can't post a photo in the reply. I have a few articles about cats, one of which is, if you don't mind, you can take a look at it...Sorry, I won't post the link...

Gray Blue’s reply:

 I should be the one to visit your page, momo is so cute.

She was very polite, and we kept going back and forth like this. There were only two protagonists in her sharing, but the healing power of the photos made me seem to have raised Huahua and Baibai in addition to momo.

The difference is, I don’t have to pay for feed to take care of him^_^

Sometimes personification, sometimes palace drama, sometimes fun, this is gray and blue.

※ On December 11, 2021

I just realized that Huahua and Baibai both have geriatric diseases. However, Huilan and her roommate took on the responsibility of taking care of her, and instead of being bothered by the need for follow-up visits in two to three weeks, they did it happily!

She once shared this sentence one day, which moved me, even though my message at the time was "I'm going to suck cats."!

Special excerpt recorded:

 Huahua's routine return visit was like many Saturdays in the past, when she packed up her cat and went out, and had to "unpack" it when she came back. Of course, more often than not, I think it is to enlighten ourselves: the time for encounter is limited, so we must seize the moment instead of fearing separation in advance.

※ On March 11, 2022

During these hundred days, I looked at Baibai and Huahua every day, and became familiar with Gray Blue. I also called Gray Blue Maomao. Three kittens I raised outside, haha~

Don't think that the gray and blue cat is just sharing Baibai and Huahua. She is a smart author and knowledgeable, but she knows how to hide it.

In Mat City or Xiangte City, she would often answer my questions. Do you remember wheat? The famous loving brother, although I had not yet joined Matt City when I was loving him, but I had communicated with him when I was wheat. What is the origin of a grain of wheat? It was Maomao who shared it with me~~ and made me appreciate Maizi. It is indeed true, regardless of whether his words are biased or offensive?

Her comments after reading the books have her unique insights. In addition to her, there are two other mobile libraries on the board, which I will talk about in the future! !

Apart from the cat, she is actually like me. She can watch the Taiwanese drama ~The Proud Girl of Heaven~ and she shared the ending with me ^_^

"Playful, restrained, knowledgeable and interesting" . It’s the cat.

The only one I knew about him was the Bee Gees.

Although I mentioned in one of the articles that I would like to thank Wei Lan for finding this Western song that I heard during my middle school years, I would also like to express my solemn thanks to this article ^_^

※ On January 14, 2022

My comment in his article introducing the Bee Gees:

 Why should I collect this article? Wei Lan must find it funny. The first time I heard a Western song, it must have been in the third year of junior high school? There was a melody ringing in my ears, and the one playing on my classmate's Walkman (he was a wild man) was You Win Again.

Since then, I haven’t heard it again. I only knew it was the Bee Gees (the Mandarin translation at that time). But in your introduction, I heard it again. I knew this song must be very famous, but... I didn't hear it again until today...Thank you Weilan~~~

That prelude reminded me of my junior high school days, the rebellion in junior high school, and the Western songs that I didn’t understand or listen to. Therefore, for Wei Lan’s previous articles, I used them as a music channel, and I had music to accompany me when reading the articles. I just didn’t understand his introduction! In fact, I didn’t pay attention, which is what I realized later.

Weilan has written more than 800 articles. What kind of perseverance does he have? What's the motivation? Let him be so.

Gray and blue are cats, and blue is music ^_^

※ On April 3, 2022

The first time I heard a "shit" song, Wei Lan's response to my article, a joke at the time, he actually found a shit song, not a very shit song, but a real "shit song" about shit, haha . To this day, I will never forget this, and I should never forget it in this life~

※ On April 10, 2023

Wei Lan mentioned being a soldier. Although there was a prologue before, the second part made me recall the military service period with him.

We are both clerks and have similar experiences; Weilan recalls his, but I am obsessed with mine.

To put it bluntly, he writes his, and I keep mine. Haha ; I’m really off topic. I’m sorry to Weilan~

※ On April 14, 2022

The impression of an instrument is either blowing, strumming, or pressing.

Weilan’s next chapter on rare musical instruments will definitely impress you! Nine series at a time, it was enjoyable to watch and jaw-dropping at the same time!

The fart sound of Hung Lions Roar made me laugh out loud when I heard it. The seriousness of the performer was really in contrast to the sound of the instrument. Trying hard to create fart sound music. If it were me, I would definitely laugh out loud during the performance~

Thanks to Wei Lan for your enthusiastic sharing, I, who rarely listen to Western music, have gradually been exposed to it. Although I am still a novice in Western music, the amount has exceeded what I have listened to in decades!

What remains unchanged is that Wei Lan should know that I still don’t appreciate hip-hop , haha

"Versatile, enthusiastic, professional and passionate. 》 It is blue.

The two protagonists this time have so many works that it is impossible to list them all, and there is no need for me to go into details. They are both seniors from Matt City. I am just a small fan of her and him^_^.

Daily updates are even more of them!

Look at the flowers turning white every day.

Listen to blue music every day.

It has become my habit to go to Matt City every day.

Blue is blue sky

Cats are gray and blue

Applause is reserved for Wei Lan and Maomao~

Strange, there are no songs in this article?

I don’t dare to be presumptuous in front of Wei Lan, haha

Post a photo!

Sediq Bale

Maomao and Weilan both like history, so this [Amo] is dedicated to her and him!

I feel like the reason for posting this photo is so far-fetched~

What about this one? ? What's the intention? ? ?







I want to let go......There is no reasonʘ‿ʘ

Think about it, I might as well put it up, "Meow Meow Meow" ~ just in time for the occasion

It seems to be "Miao Miao Miao"! Sorry, Wolf Girl, Xu Huaiyu’s biggest fan, haha

Thank you for watching~

[Fan series, to be continued, so stay tuned]


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