To my self 10 years ago - The secret to a rich life is health.

Health is 1, other is 0. If health can't support it, all 0s are left behind.

I know that you have a lot of blueprints for your dreams, you are busy with more sprints, more work, more travel, more friends, study, family... Write a letter to remind you that everyone is not perfect, sometimes it doesn't matter if you can't take care of it , but you must remember that health is always the first priority, and the others are 0.

You have been in bad shape all the time. Often cold hands and feet, physical weakness. You are trying so hard to live your life and forget that the most important element of enriching your life is health, so I am writing this letter to you.

Being healthy doesn't just mean not getting sick. Physical fitness is about harnessing your energy, both physically and mentally, to live life in the most powerful way possible. You take good care of your body, and your life will go well. The Bible calls this an abundant life, and that's what God wants you to have. He always blesses you with good health and all the best.

To help you experience an abundant life, God provides 7 simple and easy steps to improve your health.

Step 1: Balanced nutrition.

Eden's original diet consisted of fruits, grains, nuts and seeds. Food affects the body's ability to feel and enjoy life. Don’t always eat out, save some time for yourself, cook a good meal, choose food with nutritional value, and take care of a healthy life. Pray when you eat, and eat with gratitude.

Step 2: Exercise.

Daily exercise will help you achieve a level of physical fitness. Walking may seem like a simple activity, but it's a great start to a healthy habit. Work out slowly, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of the exercise. Some people say that no pain means no gain, but this is not necessarily the case. Sometimes pain after exercise may mean that you have done too much. 30 minutes a day is a good goal. Exercise is like financial management. Long-term investment in yourself will result in better results.

Are you thinking in your mind, I don't have time to exercise? In today's society, we are often flooded with passive entertainment such as television, video, games, and the Internet. When a person chooses to turn off computer games and spend time exercising, it is a step towards healthy living! Then you'll find the many benefits of exercise, managing body fat, reducing stress, boosting your immune system and reducing your risk of disease.

Step 3: Drink plenty of water.

Many people feel thirsty before thinking of hydrating. But thirst is the first sign of dehydration in the body, so make it a habit to drink water if you don't feel thirsty. A colleague had kidney stones when he just entered middle age, because he didn't like to drink water when he was young, and the work environment was too busy, so he always forgot to drink water. So I want to remind you to keep a water bottle with you and drink plenty of water. You love coffee, soda or alcoholic beverages, don't forget to rehydrate at the same time, they can't replace the amount of water you need to drink every day.

Step 4: Bask in the sun whenever you can.

Have you ever noticed that you are more likely to become depressed during cloudy or rainy seasons. Enjoy the free vitamin D that sunlight makes you healthier and happier and provides us. Vitamin D is an essential body nutrient that helps us maintain the calcium we need for strong bones and teeth and strengthens the immune system. And when you have time, leave yourself in nature, no matter whether there is sunshine or not, please take a deep breath of pure natural air from time to time. God created the good things in the world to help him stay healthy.

Step 5: Balance your lifestyle pattern.

God means: all in moderation, not in excess, and not in want. Finding peace in school, work, eating, or leisure is a way to achieve physical and mental health, a way to improve your quality of life.

For example, hunger pangs from sudden overeating or irregular meals, or exhaustion from overwork are not concepts of life that God wants us to live.

I want to praise you for this. In fact, you try your best to do it yourself, because the life you aspire to is a balance between work and leisure. Giving up enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window in order to work hard is not the attitude you pursue.

Step 6: Always maintain joy and gratitude.

People who are optimistic and always grateful are usually accompanied by a healthy body and mind, and a healthy state of mind. Optimism may also lead to longevity, an extra ten years. Alfred Smith, who lived to be 111 years old, is a typical optimist.

There is a little story: the child told his mother that if I could get a bicycle, it would be the happiest thing for me. The mother opened the Bible and said to the child: Joy does not come from external material, because external happiness is usually very short-lived. You may be happy for a while when you receive your bicycle, but it's not the gift that you have to be grateful for, it's the person who gave it to you. God wants us to live a life of joy and gratitude on a regular basis. He gave us a prescription for health: "A joyful heart is good medicine; a broken spirit dries up the bones. 』

Step 7: Rest is to go a long way.

Sleep is important. Tiredness or lack of rest reduces activity and makes you easily irritable or angry. Lack of sleep is a key factor affecting health. If you are insomnia, you may not be exercising enough, try to leave yourself in nature more often, and read more scriptures to calm your mind. God wants us to sleep well. He says in the scriptures, "Don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about tomorrow, and one day's troubles are enough. 』

"Zombie Gymnastics" is for those of you who have no time or forget to exercise, and you can exercise at home. I wish good health.

Remember, a healthy you can have 100 dreams, but when you lose your health, you have only one dream left...get your health back.


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