morning routine

The 30 minutes you wake up in the morning are just as important as the 30 minutes before bed.

For a while I spent my mornings very hastily, but looking back now, it's a pity the morning hours of those years.

A simple morning ritual that calms my heart.


The moment I opened my eyes, I knew morning was coming, but I was probably still snoozing, so at that time I would lie in bed and pray. Prayer has a miraculous awakening energy. Usually I get up right after talking to God.

You don’t have to have faith to pray. In fact, it is like writing a gratitude diary. It is a ritual of spiritual communication between you and all things on the earth.


I am thankful for another beautiful sunny day today.

Thank you for having a variety of summer veggies in my fridge (I've been particularly fond of tomatoes, papaya, corn, kale, and avocado...etc.)

Thank you to the people of Taiwan for fighting the epidemic, wearing masks, and washing your hands diligently.

Thank you for being healthy.

Thanks for always smiling.

In addition to thanks, you can also ask questions or pray for confidence, serenity, joy, and more.

Many times I would wake up immediately just because I was hungry. 🐸

Drink water

The first thing I do when I wake up is drink a big glass of water. I also recently changed my water glass to a larger one because some people have experimented and the bigger the water glass next to you, the more water you unconsciously drink every day.

Absorb Sunshine Vitamin D

Open the curtains to let sunlight into the room. Then I would spend some time listening to light music, and at this time I was in a state of meditation. Occasionally, you will also do deep breathing activities in a lying flat position.

self-affirmation time

When I'm in the bathroom, my mind will start to revolve around today's itinerary, which can be said to be a moment of self-affirmation.

No one is perfect (Nobody is perfect), but there is a unique charm that belongs to you, so don't be stingy, remember to praise and affirm yourself at the right time. If you occasionally make small progress, you can reward yourself. This move actually indirectly urged me to work more efficiently and work harder to complete to-do items.

drink coffee

The moment that makes me most excited is the morning coffee time, this time I usually choose a book to accompany the coffee and sunshine.

The miracle of gratitude 360,000 times

A true story of a Japanese grateful vegetable farm.

Their stories were compiled into the musical "Earth", which was later adapted into the film documentary "Earth Blossoms".

All life is a grateful existence! Use the power of your mind to learn the way of happiness from nature.

If there are some people around you who are always complaining about life and are not satisfied with life, ask them to stop and read this book carefully, and then look back to see if they have already been blessed by God, but you just didn't realize it. Difficulties are inevitable in life, but if there is more gratitude in us, if we are willing to practice saying gratitude, the whole heart will be filled with happiness, and miracles may occur. No one can predict tomorrow and the future, so take advantage of every moment of today!

Do you have a habitual morning ritual?

If you win the morning, you win the day. ( Book- My Morning Routine )


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