Little sparrow likes to water flowers


In the tea room, smelling the aroma of coffee brewed by my colleagues and brewing my own hot cocoa, winter mornings are always very pleasant at this moment, especially the warm winter sunshine from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Holding the hot cocoa, I was just about to walk back to my seat and start a busy day, but I still had a little free time before going to work, so I was not in a hurry, so I deliberately went around to the far corner of the aisle, where there was a The row of potted plants is placed by the company so that people who are tired from work can look at the plants for healing. It is more intimate to attach a flower watering device. Although they are usually taken care of, passers-by can still spray a few times at will. .

I bent down and touched the green leaves, a little dust, and seemed to be calling for me to water him, but as a plant killer, I was a little afraid that I might make a mistake and kill the plant .

No matter, I pressed the waterer, and a mist of water droplets fell and fell on the leaves, the droplets rolled and collected into larger droplets, and then slid down the leaf edge, so healing, so healing, Press it a few more times.

The time is fixed here, and I am fascinated by it.

Ah, I finally remembered that I was still at work, so I quickly got up and hurried back to my seat, and I didn't forget to look back before I finally left.

Little sparrows like to water flowers.


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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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