[Balkans Short Story] Lake Bled. lake

This series of records is scattered in Balkan memory between 2018-2019.

A beautiful and popular Lake District is always complete with a poignant love story. As a veteran Lake District resort in Europe, Lake Bled certainly has a romantic history.

According to the schedule, we will spend one day and one night in the Lake Bled area. Cable cars, scull boats, endless stairs, castle dinners, cream cakes, and lake view rooms are all available, just like the European aristocrats hundreds of years ago. It's just that there is no carriage around the lake.

On the first afternoon, the wind and rain were about to come, the mountains were misty, and my head was still aching because of the jet lag. I stepped on the slightly shaking observation deck, and I felt that life was floating in front of my eyes, and I was dizzy. Fortunately, I quit the competition to take pictures of scenic spots and went to the back of the viewing platform.

There were only two goats left behind in the rear, as silently as a landscape splashing ink. Standing by the railing of the cliff, I inexplicably think of the Poplar Tunnel after the earthquake, the stairs leading to the top of Laozhai Mountain in Xingping, Yangshuo, the muddy road in the Mongolian forest, and the Black Forest trail on the German-French border. Going to the secular city, you can inexplicably yearn for this kind of realm of three or five people who are just a few steps away from the lively attractions.

Of course, the lack of people is also due to the fact that it is colder than the heat at the foot of the mountain.

After the cable car went down the mountain, climbed to a castle built by a German king, and watched the scenery while eating. It was clear to Bled Island that the island in the middle of the lake was the place to go the next morning. And the sightseeing charm of Lake Bled is just about to be fully fired.

 Here are again dozens of photos out of order.

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