Chat about Bambi

This is the first time I know the original Bambi!

..... Xiaolu once felt that there was one thing that everyone had the same mind on...

That is.....

I think the deer is male!

I have always found this thing very strange...could it be...that I feel like a teenager? !

..... Or it's because I'm not serious enough to look like a girl... It's strange. I've always said that I'm shy, introverted and not good at words (although no one believes it... but it's a fact. ...).

Then..., one day I finally checked out the background of the work "Bambi"...

(Yes, actually I only have a vague impression of Bambi. It was a picture book I read in kindergarten)

Then I finally understood why everyone guessed that I was a male! ! !

Bambi is a male! ! !

His wife is Fanny! ! !

I mistook the deer in my memory! ! !

….suddenly embarrassed….

Um..., um..., um..., it doesn't matter!

The setting of Bambi was originally the western roe deer and then the white-tailed deer. They are all deer species that only have spots when they are young and lose them when they grow up. I am a sika deer who has spots all his life (ฅ`ω´ฅ)

As long as I persist, it won’t be embarrassing (the first time I learned that Bambi is a embarrassing...ฅ(๑*д*๑)ฅ!!)

Well..., in short, this is what I just learned recently... I didn't want to tell it, although many people may know it if I don't tell it (from afar...), by the way, Bambi When he grew up, in addition to marrying Fanny, he also had two deer babies. Later, Bambi became the new king of the forest~

Bambi’s antlers will be very beautiful when he grows up~

Finally, let Xiaolu introduce a cute little book: "What is this: Illustrations of Animals' Daily Life are Fun"

A very cute book, full color

This is a small book with cute pictures~

Not only teach you how to draw a rabbit

It also uses animals (mostly birds) to make comments~

The reading order is upper left - upper right - lower left - lower right

Some will be a little confused, and some will smile knowingly~

Caught from blog website

All in all, this book is really cute~

I don’t know why...I always feel that this book is very suitable for @Red ..... If Brother Hong doesn’t object...I’ll send it to you. 0.0

Collect it, there are many little animals inside looking at you with wide eyes (✪ω✪)


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