Book with Correction Tape Repair Art


What is a correction tape? I believe everyone is familiar with correction tapes, but what is the difference between books and the art of correction tape maintenance? You may be surprised that the correction tapes used to smear homework in school days are related to books? But the fact is that there is a correction tape on the book, and the correction tape repairs the book. The art of book and correction tape maintenance was born in our country. The editor is also very surprised. What do you think?

In 1951, U.S. Secretary Betty Graham, inspired by the work of painters, invented correction fluid, redeeming the jobs of thousands of typists, and achieving financial freedom in one fell swoop. But she never imagined that in the end, the distant ancient country in the East would carry forward this product.

Approaching the Hong Kong and Taiwan shelves of any bookstore, you will deeply realize that the creation of a book must not only be attributed to the author and editor, but also to the correction artist. Take "Norwegian Carpenter's Notes" as an example, the unruly shapes and bright colors seem to shout: "I am the real craftsman!"

This "big history of paper" is also not immune to bad luck. Several layers of dense white paint tell dear readers: the history of paper has long since ended, and the correction tape is on the way.

In fact, it is easy to understand that the so-called "National Library" of books published by the small island of Taiwan will inevitably make people imagine. However, the artists of the revision band are not only sensitive to the word "country", but they know how to see the big from the small and draw inferences from one case, so that they can discover the bad ideas hidden between the lines.

The "Publishing Business Registration Certificate Bureau of the Press Bureau of the Executive Yuan" in the picture below is an example: How can a province have a hospital? Such rebellious behavior must be corrected vigorously.

There are also some lawbreakers who have used their minds on the year. They don't need a good Western era, and they have to do some "min 106". If it weren't for our artists' extensive knowledge and knowledge, I'm afraid there would be a big political problem.

Artists also have their moments of neglect.

First of all, there are definitely fish that slip through the net. After all, there are so many books, but the artist has only one pen, and some things are not taken care of, so we can't blame it.

The word "country" in this picture has not been deleted

Second, some books have not been opened yet, and are protected by plastic covers. Even if the artist has insight into the danger, he is more than enough.

The unfolded book has been "repaired", but there is still an unopened version on the shelf

In the end, no one is perfect, and artists also have something to learn. For example, the expression "National XX University" is absolutely not allowed to appear. Like the two master architects who graduated from National Taiwan University in the picture below, they lost their alma mater in the mainland of the motherland.

However, like the famous Japanese school in the picture below, Hitotsubashi National University with the reputation of "Oriental Harvard", but also because of the word "National" in its name, Ichiyu, I don't know how to evaluate it.

The author can't help thinking, if Zhang Guoli also publishes a book, wouldn't even his name be preserved?

Some people may ask, the front and back covers are prone to errors, what should I do if there is a problem with the content? After all, imperialism does not die if it kills me. What should we do if someone with ulterior motives brings in private goods?

In fact, you don’t need to worry about this at all. Safe production should start from the source. Most of the imported books sold in bookstores are mainly in the categories of design, life, novels, etc.; Contemporary history absolutely does not touch; most of the economics are related to financial management and success, and the political ones do not exist at all. Under this category restriction, it is difficult to come up with questions in the text of the book.

At the same time, the phenomenon of export-to-domestic sales abounds. Six of the architecture books in the corner of the lower bookstore are written by Mr. Wang Qijun, who was born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu and taught at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Their simplified Chinese versions have already been published, and domestic readers have no motivation to buy the Hong Kong and Taiwan editions. Then why is it necessary for Hong Kong and Taiwan bookstores in China to put the traditional Chinese version on the shelves? There should be no other reason than to make up the numbers.

Of course, even if there is really a problem with the inner pages, the correction artist will not stand by and watch. In the well-known reading group Douban, "buying books is like a mountain and reading like a thread", there are not a few posts complaining that their English dictionary has been smeared.

You can guess what word was smeared
You can guess what word was smeared

He also confessed to this. On an e-commerce website, the China Business Book Store controlled by the Liaison Office of the People's Republic of China clearly pointed out in the details page that the correction tape on the dictionary is legal, reasonable and harmless.

However, correction tape may not be the first choice for artists. For example, the black handwriting in the picture below seems to have a better occlusion effect than the correction tape.

For another example, in an issue of The Economist in June 2019, the page involving indescribable content was directly torn out.

And the censors also began to switch from defense to attack: at the opening ceremony of the 20th Biennial Conference of the European Society of Sinology held in Portugal in July 2014, Xu Lin, director of Hanban, asked the organizers to put information about the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation in the conference manual. All sponsored parts were torn off, and the move was praised by the official media.

Today they cover the text with correction tape, tomorrow they cover our eyes with seals. The above is the entire content of the book and the repair art of correction tape, I hope it can help everyone. For more and faster updates of exciting content, please click above to follow.


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