Reading to see life | Selected book excerpts from "The Doctor Said I Can Die It's Okay"

You want to die because you are trying to live/identify yourself, you are the real strong person/change your mentality and regain your life/what a living person can do is to live/"Thank you for being alive."

The ultimate healing secret of Japan's ace psychiatrist, heal 1000 broken hearts!

Author: Flat Light Source (たいら・こうげん)

Renowned psychiatrist in Japanese psychiatry clinic. In high school, he was determined to become a doctor. He used to be a patient with depression. He helped patients with his own experience in fighting depression. He has been practicing for more than 20 years.

Reading to see life | "The Doctor Said I Can Die It's Okay" Selected Book Excerpt / Extracted from the e-book cover

You want to die because you try to live

Negative thinking is normal

You survived because of negative thinking

Primitive humans need to be vigilant to avoid danger. Because of the progress of modern society, people have been able to survive even with "unproven Lotte". People who feel anxious and even need psychological help are just waking up from human delusions and regaining their wild instincts. You don't need to force yourself to "think positive in order to return to 'normal'." Negative thinking is very "normal", so you don't need to blame yourself!

It is possible to change reality

Society, industrial structure, and interpersonal patterns are constantly changing. Views in life may be prejudiced or temporary.

Just focus on the present moment and do what you want to do. Only you can change.
I think in the next era, superficial relationships will gradually disappear, and people will only communicate with people who really want to communicate.

absolute justice does not exist

Value size or high and low is usually done by comparison. If you mistake relative for absolute, you will feel that nothing is going well.

There is no absolute right in this world, if you think there is, it is just your illusion.

Cherish the weak yourself, this is the real strong

love yourself unconditionally

When a person says, "I have to increase my self-affirmation," it means that the person believes that "if you don't have the ability to deliver results, you have no value."

Even extremely narcissistic people often like themselves because they think they are great and good.

However, valuing and liking yourself can be unconditional, and you will be fine now!

Catering to the crowd does not need

Humans only see what they want to see and listen to what they want to hear.
Everyone's upbringing and experiences are different, so you can't make everyone happy.

depression is not your fault

It is a winter problem that you can't lift your spirits in winter; it is a summer problem that you are easily fatigued in summer.

In nature, the life and rest of animals will be matched with the four seasons and sunshine. People are originally creatures that coexist with nature, but with the progress of society, they increasingly go against their instincts and live a life that is no different from spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Some people will blame themselves: "You don't want to go to the gym on a rainy day, what a weak-willed person."

I was already very listless, and at this time I was still holding a long spear to poke my lifeless and cracked heart, and of course my heart would be broken in the end.

"Not reluctantly" is not because of wanting to be lazy, but because of the overall situation!

medical abnormality

Wanting to die may not be your problem at all.

According to research, viruses and brain inflammation can cause depression.

Medical "abnormalities", to put it bluntly, are just beyond a certain benchmark value.

Children with ADHD, previously thought to be full of nerve-racking deficits, are now considered more gifted, intellectual and spiritual than their peers in the United States.

The part that you think is the handicap is actually the brain deviation, and beyond that, the talent.

Men and women want different things

The role distribution of primitive society makes male and female evolve differently.

No matter how good a male is, failing to catch prey can lead to starvation in the family. Therefore, the brain structure that requires "results" has developed, and such values have become the core of men's thinking.

Women must manage village-neighbor relations and housekeeping, and must know how to be considerate, understand and express. That is, the brain structure that pursues "resonance" is developed.

Applying to the modern husband and wife relationship, even if the husband (in theory and goal orientation) is very supportive of the wife, if there is no resonance, the wife will easily mistakenly think that "the husband has no love for him". Husbands are prone to think that their wives have no love because their wives do not express gratitude for the achievements, but only convey concern (resonance).

Accept the difference between the other person and yourself, and let go of the thought of wanting to control.
Everyone is different, and there is nothing we can do about it. Human beings are like this, let it go!

Just by changing your mind, you can be reborn

Analysis of Psychiatry

Wanting to die is evidence of serious living.

The more you care about the purpose and mission, the more you think that the value of life is conditional, and such a person will work hard.

You have worked really hard. You don't know how much effort you put into improving the situation.
You want to die because you are more sincere and desperately alive than anyone else.
Face the fact of being alive with sincerity, and even exhaust yourself. Do you really want to die like this?

Behind the thought of dying hides the desire to live, try to find out the real mind behind the appearance!

It's great to fall into depression

It is not uncommon for people who are always energetic to die suddenly, because there is a good chance that they are physically unable to issue the "so bad" alarm.

The body's defense response, inhibiting the brain's production of energetic substances, thereby making people unable to force themselves, is actually a very good ability.

It's not just hard work that adds points to life. "Not working hard" is also a very important bonus item in life.

Remembering the past is frustrating

Psychologist Jung said, "Life is like climbing a mountain. Once you go up, you have to go down. If you keep going up, you will only die."

Remembering the past is not enough to move forward into the future.

"Compare the past with the present, and look pessimistically at what you can't do now." Must be frustrating.

We may lose something because of age and social changes, but we will also gain irreplaceable experience.

All the living can do is live

No hardship is boring

The more difficult the game, the more fun it is, and even the people around you will be excited. Life is the same.
If life is difficult enough to pick up this book, you must be a game master.

Inclusiveness of Indonesians

Long-term oppression, pain, prone to delusions.

Sinister Delusions: Feeling that whatever happens is your own fault.

Hypochondria: Feeling hopeless that you must have an incurable disease.

Poverty Delusion: Feeling pessimistic about not having money.

The culture of "don't cause trouble to others" tends to make people limit themselves for fear of causing trouble to others, or even be unable to have their own life.

Indonesia teaches children: "You usually cause trouble to others, so when someone troubles you, you have to forgive him."
Arguing about what is going to cause trouble and what isn't, and adding rules over and over is just breathless and pointless.
When you have to cause trouble to others, don't deny or hurt yourself because of guilt. As long as someone causes trouble for you in the future, just forgive them.

Just take a small step

Animal instincts can make people extremely afraid of failure.
Failure doesn't exist, you just find ways that don't work. Please hold on to this idea and try to act!

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