Unrelated to Encryption | Hong Kong: 4.5 hours in line for condolences

It was originally scheduled to write about non-cryptocurrency things every Saturday, but today is special, so it’s worth a note.

The Queen of England died, and Hong Kong was really full of her as _ _ _ (these three words really can't be written, because even textbooks can't write it like this until now, I have a chance to break the law when I leave a record), Even if the banknotes and stamps don't have her, they can't wash away her in people's memory. As a Hong Kong old cake (Taiwanese friends don't understand, "old cake" means old-fashioned, even a bit out of date) How can I not have her in my mind? Last Friday, the British Consulate General in Hong Kong was unable to open the condolence book in time, so choose to make up for the Mid-Autumn Festival today, so that the time will be freer and better. As the saying goes, people share the same heart and mind, so I asked a friend to go to Yingling today.

Although it seems that few people wear formal clothes and this is not a funeral, I am also dressed in black with respect. Officially speaking, a British funeral is a fascinator, which is a top hat with a veil, but I'm not that professional, and I can make do with a beret.

We started queuing at 2pm, and the dragon's tail was near the John Osborne statue (pink line). It is said that he joined the team and went directly to the Champion Building (yellow line) behind, which is really incredible. With temperatures as high as 35 degrees, there are so many people who just want to write by themselves. In fact, I have seen people with bouquets constantly at the station. Although the embassy had said on social media that it might take three hours to enter, my friend and I decided to line up as usual. I also told her that we came today for a reason, and a small incident later confirmed this idea.

Bronze statue of John Osborne

full of people

Everyone is not afraid of hot queues

I want to rush in! In my memory, this thing appeared in a city council yearbook in 197X. I remember that there were two children playing with water on the cover.

Finally out of the park, the embassy is in sight

From time to time, there are embassy staff inspecting the queue. Among them, a staff member wearing two-and-a-half-inch high heels walked back and forth at least three or four times. It was really hard for her.

Come to the closed door of the embassy

There's still a long queue behind

public condolence entrance

Officially enter the embassy

Because it is built on a mountain, there are still layers of stone steps to go up.

Flowers I bought, cards drawn by friends. Although I know she uses blue cardboard, I didn't particularly want to buy flowers wrapped in blue paper. After I bought them, I found that they fit together very well.

"Goodbye! My Queen" is a beautiful word

Because there are too many flowers, this method can make room

tip of the flower iceberg

Look on the inside to see where people put flowers on the outside

Hand drawing

Some people print photos to share with everyone

I like these paintings

Letter to the Queen in Heaven

After entering the embassy, you can finally blow the air conditioner! More thoughtful arrangement of water for everyone to drink. Before signing the condolence book, you must pass the X-ray machine before entering the core area of the embassy. I was guided to the rows of chairs on the second floor, and everyone sat in line. Then go to the first floor to officially enter the area for signing the condolence book, with a black Union Jack built by Pixelart and a portrait of the Queen in the middle. After writing the date, name and content, some people choose to bow before the photo and leave.

After coming out of the consulate, I went to the outer flower area. The photos I took were actually only a small part. In fact, the bottom part was full of flowers. However, a lady was crying over there with excitement. She didn’t even listen to her friends. I didn't go over to take pictures, but I saw someone put the Burlington Bear doll into the flower pile from other people's photos, and I wanted to cry.

Many people paid tribute to the painting at the end, and some people shared moon cakes with the queen. We left the flower next to Peppa Pig.

It was half past six when we left, and there were still a long line of people.

In the end, it took us four and a half hours to complete the whole process, which was really long but worth it. And the interlude is that before entering the consulate, there is a position like a driveway, you need to go up the ramp and then go down, like a Disney mobile game that requires you to go a long way. It's just that the slope is 45 degrees, so my friends and I agreed with other people in line that we can't go up, so let the people above come down and we will continue on the flat ground. How do you know that there is a lady who is engaged in " fish ball theory ", it should be that she is already on the slope, people can't go up the slope and work hard with her, so we are forced to go up, and the people behind are of course with me xyz# $$&* The lady. Later, when I saw the embassy staff passing by, my friend stopped him and said if he could not go back, but I said that there may be elderly people or people with bad feet in the queue to make it easier for them. Later, several other staff went there, it should be done to eliminate the need for everyone to go up the ramp. I hope that all those who go to mourn tomorrow can comfortably save some leg effort, that's fine.


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