If it doesn't solve the problem, then the problem may solve you

After careful evaluation, not only do some health food/drugs not necessarily need to be used, but also there is no clinical evidence, but in many cases, the "empirical medical database" is not as good as "the old king next door", why is this so? ?In fact, these are all "psychological effects", we don't necessarily need to eat these health foods, but we all want to ask for peace of mind, which is clinically called: "placebo effect"

Doctor A said to eat this, friend B said to eat this, teacher C said to eat this, D clinic to eat this, the result is:

The whole table of health food was eaten by my aunt, who was full after eating these, so she didn't eat the main meal.

Seeing such a case, it's a bit heavy. Auntie's body is actually quite healthy, so is it necessary to eat so much?

The aunt herself also sighed: life is very tiring to live like this

After careful evaluation, not only do some health food/drugs not necessarily need to be used, but also there is no clinical evidence, but in many cases, the "empirical medical database" is not as good as "the old king next door", why is this so? ?

In fact, these are all "psychological effects", we don't necessarily need to eat these health foods, but we all want to ask for peace of mind, which is clinically called: "placebo effect"

We will think that we have gotten better after taking these health food (drugs), so if we suddenly stop eating, we will start to feel weird about our body, but if we think about it from another angle, maybe after we stop eating, you will still be fine.

Maybe you have never needed additional supplements, but you have gradually gotten used to it. It is difficult to tell whether there has been improvement in clinical practice. Many times empirical medicine also has its blind spots. Some people are special cases. In reality, we There is no way everything requires a statistically significant difference (P<0.05)

This is the time to give full play to clinical experience~

First of all, we need to think about the source of the problem. Why does Auntie search for famous doctors?

The answer is very simple, she feels that her ailments have not been properly taken care of, then come back to discuss, do these ailments really exist?

There may be, or it may be a psychological effect. The psychological effect here refers to the pain caused by emotion (stress) . In this case, many people will take medicine to solve it.

No problem at first glance, but beyond that, what else can we do?

With the growth of life experience, you will definitely encounter a lot of troubles and encounter a lot of pressure. These negative energies accumulate over time, and it is inevitable for your body to feel a little ill

But can these ailments be solved with drugs/health foods?

Or is there a better way to handle it?

Maybe you just need someone to talk to, maybe you just need to clear things up

The reasons for these discomforts are not necessarily physiological (physical reactions), but also psychological effects, and these psychological pressures will bring some load to our body, ranging from insomnia to endocrine disorders/autonomic nervous disorders. it started to come out

At this stage, many people will seek help for drugs, but sometimes the solution to the problem is no longer to seek external things, but to dig inside~

Let us find out where the source of the problem is, maybe you will find the solution to the problem is not difficult

If it doesn't solve the problem, then the problem may solve you

Want to sit down and chat with a pharmacist?

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I am an action pharmacist - good medicine is bitter, we will see you next time~

Finally, here is some good news for you:

1. The medical academic website is on the shelves:

2. In the future, we will work with cross-disciplinary teams to provide care, especially for home care cases, we also provide on-site services. For details, please contact us

3. Cooperate with the physical pharmacy, and currently cooperate with the Tucheng Shengli Pharmacy to prepare health food with evidence level for you

I'm an action pharmacist - good medicine is bitter, we'll see you next time


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