Dog Walking Miscellaneous

This has made me more cautious when taking my dog for walks in the future, otherwise it will be bad if I cause an accident to someone else

Another day of oversleeping. Today is a holiday. In fact, I don’t need to get up early. In order to take care of the dog, I wanted to go out early to avoid the scorching sun, but I still overslept.

It’s okay to go out late. After a short ride, I remembered that I didn’t bring something and went back home. The already delayed time became more urgent. But when I got home and entered the room, I was surprised to find that the ceiling fan in the room wasn’t turned off. I immediately offered my thanks to God, and experienced once again: “ All things work together for good for those who love God” .

Today is my turn to take care of Kaka (the dog's name is Kaka). I decided to stay at the dentist all day. If it wasn't for the trip home because I forgot to bring something, the ceiling fan would be It will not be discovered until the other family members come back in the evening. This will not only consume electricity, but also have safety concerns if the ceiling fan has been turned on all night. It is more important to find out that it is not turned off than to go out late.

When I arrived at the dentist, fortunately, it was not past nine o'clock, which was about the same time as I expected to arrive. I quickly prepared my things and went out with Kaka to solve its physiological needs.

Maybe it rained in the morning, and the temperature was slightly lower than the usual temperature. It also made it not so hot when I took it out. If I stood in the shadow of a building or tree, I could still feel the breeze blowing slowly. Such a temperature Really comfortable. However, according to the fierce potential of the sun, it will not be so gentle if it is later. It is necessary to give full play to its strength and let people understand how powerful it is.

Kaka is exploring

The weather is good, there are many people in the park, and there are many students playing ball, but there are not many people walking their dogs today. When walking the dog, I often meet a dog friend who also takes the dog for a walk. Today, I met a black girl (the dog friend's dog name). It is a very friendly and enthusiastic dog to dogs and people. When it meets a familiar dog, it not only greets the dog, but also acts like a spoiled brat with the owner who brings the dog, and warmly welcomes it with its body.

Today, it greeted Kaka with the same enthusiasm, and then used the most enthusiastic coquettish move to me, rubbing against my feet, saliva making my thighs wet. It is too enthusiastic, with a happy face, and its actions are very sincere and unpretentious.

brunette coming towards me

When I was young, I didn't like dogs. Maybe I had the experience of being chased, but I still avoided three points for dogs. If it weren't for the fact that the boss's dog had grown up since he was a child, coupled with his extremely cute relatives, he gradually stopped being afraid of dogs and was able to get close to them. Later, he also raised a cat, I can only say that the potential of human beings is really unlimited.

Taking the dog out is a very interesting attempt. Now this Kaka is the owner's second dog. We haven't had a chance to take him for a walk before, until about 10 years old, we started to try it by a few of us The assistant took him out.

I remember the day when I took it out for a walk, maybe because the owner has been out for many days, although we have taken care of it, but after all, we are not its owner, and the feeling must be different. I guess it misses its owner very much, maybe wondering why it hasn't come to bring it home yet.

It changed the route of the walk that day without authorization. Seeing that it was going in the opposite direction (the direction of returning to the owner's house), I thought that there should be no problem with me holding it anyway, so just follow its meaning.

Later, it was farther and farther away from the dentist, so I pulled it towards the direction of the dentist, maybe because I missed too much, it broke free from my pull rope and walked towards the road alone. There was a lot of traffic on the road at that time, and many cars also And stop. After being freed by it, I panicked and was stunned. I didn't know how to deal with such a problem. Fortunately, it found that there were a lot of cars on the road, so it didn't dare to move forward. When I saw it stopped and shivered, I quickly pulled it to the side of the road. This action should have terrified the cars on the road, and of course it also terrified me who took it for a walk. I guess in addition to swearing at me, they should also snicker at me, the owner, who is so rude that he can't even hold a dog. Maybe I will laugh at the dog standing still and shaking frequently, but I can't laugh at it.

This has made me more cautious when I take my dog for walks in the future, otherwise it would be bad if I caused an accident to someone else.

Looking back on such a distant past, of course, I also think of the dog. It was a smart and well-behaved dog. Later, he passed away because of illness, which made us sad for a long time.

The hairy children are so inseparable from us. They are already interdependent and have a relationship with each other, just like a family. Because of their company, our lives become colorful and enriched. I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that this was the best experience in my life.


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